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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I know this is a show off post but I had to share!! When you work hard all your life and you are doing so well you can treat yourself right I can’t express the happiness I am feeling!! White was the only colour but it doesn’t matter. I’ve just purchased four of these wonderful garden chairs.
  2. Did you try 35 in cv29? This will reverse the direction on the motor.
  3. Better news today. Gordon’s family reports that he is finally starting to improve. I can’t tell you how happy I was to hear those words. Gordon caught an infection last week and his doctors were worried and said the situation was only 50/50 but with the help of strong antibiotics the infection was beaten. Since then the doctors have been more optimistic and Gordon has shown a little improvement everyday. The long time spent in intensive care has taken its toll but Gordon has even started watching the football and tennis on his iPad. Hopefully, fingers crossed, he may feel up to updating us himself before too long. It is three months ago today that Gordon first went into hospital.
  4. It is available on the Key website now. It covers the replacement of the older wagons and so may not be of direct relevance to WH4 but is interesting nontheless.
  5. Sorry for the delay in replying, we are having a few days’ break away. I haven’t heard any more from Gordon’s family for over a fortnight now. As I said in the last post, whilst out of the ICU, Gordon’s recovery from the surgical procedures had been static. I’m assuming that there has been no change, for better or for worse, as Gordon’s family have said they will only communicate when there has been any significant change.
  6. Good grief, Ian. What on earth is that on the top of your head? It must have lead to some unfortunate nicknames. Or was everyone too polite?
  7. I know a few people who 'over winter' for a couple of months in the Canaries because it is almost as cheap as living at home at that time of year.
  8. Afternoon all grumpy head /on Firstly, a K1 which is fitted with a Zimo sound chip has decided to go very quiet. It is resisting all fettling at the moment. Secondly, hotel prices. We rarely go abroad and so regularly holiday in these wonderful British Isles. We fancied braving a few days away and got a real shock when looking at hotels, both familiar and new. I had, given the circumstances, expected some increase in prices to cover possibly reduced capacity and enforced Covid precautions but even where rooms are still available the prices have increased by ridiculous amounts. I realise that it's supply and demand and all that but I do wish that all of those, for whom holidaying in the British Isles is normally beneath them, would leave them alone for those of us who have always enjoyed doing so. grumpy head /off
  9. Bagsie* being Minister for Silly Walks. * ask Baz
  10. Can’t for the life of me remember which one it appeared in though.
  11. Many Happy Returns, Flavio
  12. There is no Sanity Clause
  13. Update: Gordon is now out of the intensive care unit. This is good in that it means he no longer needs life support but his progress remains static. As has been said all along, recovery is going to take weeks and weeks. A quote from the message from Gordon’s wife; “If you could also pass on my thanks and Gordon’s thanks for all the wonderful messages of encouragement and support that you have all sent to Gordon. They mean a lot to him and to me. Take care all.”
  14. I throughly enjoyed your presentation Chris, It was informative and there were some wonderful photographs. Thank you for sharing it here.
  15. You mean like Falcons against Exeter yesterday. How embarrassing. We had eight of our ‘first string’ out for one reason or another and whilst we had three debutants on our bench they had three British Lions. Oh, the luxury to be able to bring Stuart Hogg on as we tired. Strangely enough we were still, theoretically, in contention for a European Champions Cup place until yesterday. I don’t think we will ever be able to compete, financially or otherwise, with the other premiership teams - but it’s not the winning etc.... or so they tell us. Bullshift.
  16. I have collated our messages and have passed them on. Hopefully Gordon will be reading them soon. Gordon remains in the ICU but has started to take a little solid food. Beag air bheag
  17. You deserve a pat on the head for that.
  18. Preferably all of them if you have the facilities mentioned above but failing that... ... the ones you are about to change.
  19. An update on Gordon.
  20. A further update from Gordon’s family. Gordon is still in ICU. He has had two recent CT scans. Both showed that there has been no improvement in the healing of the tube connecting his remaining liver to his bowel. Thankfully it is no worse. Therefore, he still has all the drains in. He has problems with low blood pressure and this is hampering his physio. He is still being fed his nutrition through his PIC line and through the tube which is in his nose.
  21. I fancy it’s going to be a real bruiser. Good luck - I will be supporting Leicester for this one.
  22. That’s a bit of a swizzle. When I bought them the pack included all 4 axles.
  23. Howes Models were, and I think still are, the UK agents for Heljan so they would be the first port of call for the spares. Having said that, they used to have a much greater range of spares including the various sprues of detailing parts. Edit - no longer Howes for spares - see GEEP7's post below.
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