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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Certainly. Wrongly, I was only thinking about those who might be able to attend but, as you point out, others may like to mark the occasion in their own way. The service starts at 11.30. There is the possibility that it will be streamed live but there are, as yet, no details.
  2. Gordon’s funeral is next Wednesday, the 4th August. Message me if you would like more details. For those who have asked, the family are asking for donations in lieu to the Oxford hospital that has treated Gordon over the years. More details to follow once it has been set up.
  3. You remember what the weather was like 40 years ago?
  4. What happened to the plans for a museum for ‘iconic’ layouts? Is it still in the pipeline or has the idea been scrapped?
  5. Beautiful thought. I must go, there must be a speck of dust in my eye causing it to water.
  6. An off the wall suggestion - check the screw holding the tender drawbar in place underneath the loco. Too tight or working it’s way loose can result in similar behaviour.
  7. Gordon’s wife has e-mailed me … I just sat and read through all of the posts on both links and it gave me great comfort to read the lovely things that Gordon’s railway friends have said about him and to know how valued he is for the information he has shared throughout his time on RMWeb and hopefully his threads on Eastwood Town will be a continuing legacy of his work.
  8. apart from when the cricket’s on when one or the other to watch, has gone
  9. …. one feinted and the other grabbed it for real.
  10. Or even worse … taking both.
  11. Thank you but whilst I met Gordon in the very early days of RMweb and have had meetings and much correspondence/banter over the years I probably know Gordon only as well as many of you and less well than quite a few of you. Such was Gordon’s personality and heart that he made us all feel like good, lifelong friends. It just so happens that when we were discussing his forthcoming medical procedures, life and everything we agreed that I should relay news if necessary.
  12. Sadly Gordon passed away earlier this morning. I hope that somewhere he is scoring holes-in-one and building the Eastwood Town of his dreams.
  13. Sadly Gordon passed away earlier this morning. I hope that somewhere he is scoring holes-in-one and building the Eastwood Town of his dreams.
  14. Once you have fitted the decoder have you tried putting the chassis on a programming track and reading the decoder’s address back. This will tell you whether the decoder is fitted correctly or not.
  15. What was it doing on the moon then?
  16. Gordon took a turn for the worse on Monday. The doctors have been treating him with antibiotics again but they weren’t very hopeful that it would help him this time as he was showing signs of multiple organ failure. It is expected that the doctors will confirm palliative care from today. So very, very sad.
  17. And a pub somewhere in North Yorkshire...
  18. I think that there is something in that. When I was building my collection I always tried to get a bottle with the distillery’s own label. The ones I have from the ‘independents’ were as a last resort where I knew no distillery bottling was available and for sake of completing the collection.
  19. Perhaps things have changed and I need to rethink that. One picked at random... ... and a quick google It's by no means the rarest in my collection either. I know privately I wouldn't get anywhere near that but.....
  20. The now owner of Edradour distillery sources casks from other distilleries, matures them in the warehouses at Edradour then bottles them under their Signatory label. It was tigerburnie's mention of going there to get a 'special one' that set me thinking.
  21. I only ever bought one whisky with a mind to a possible investment. It was a Connoisseur's Choice bottle of St Magdalene. I spotted it and at the time it was being sold in the same price range as other malt whiskies - around £20 at the time. No, I haven't drank it. Unable to afford a collection of full bottles I started, as many do, collecting miniatures. I have managed to find at least one expression from most distilleries over many years. I don't think I will ever add the missing ones as I baulk at the price if I (very rarely) find one. It seems though, that miniatures are out of favour with many distilleries, 1/3 bottles seeming to be the choice now. I can't imagine the collection being worth much (although a few individual bottles may be, I must check) but the pleasure was in the collecting and finding ones I didn't already have. Most were bought before internet sales became the in thing. I wonder if the malts matured there taste any different to the malts matured at their own distilleries. Perhaps an experiment or two is called for.
  22. I know this is a show off post but I had to share!! When you work hard all your life and you are doing so well you can treat yourself right I can’t express the happiness I am feeling!! White was the only colour but it doesn’t matter. I’ve just purchased four of these wonderful garden chairs.
  23. Did you try 35 in cv29? This will reverse the direction on the motor.
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