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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Is the grounded body an LNER 10t banana van? https://www.hattons.co.uk/newsdetail?id=1018 The model doesn't have the roof ridgesas in the photograph but if you scroll down to the prototype picture it looks as though it might. Can't quite make it out. Other ex GER vans seem to have that style of door too. If not exactly that one, do you think it’s similar enough to be better than something generic?
  2. You’ve led a sheltered life then.
  3. It was taken from the toilet window in number eleven if that’s any help.
  4. Cooked at lunch time… reheated on the evening… and once again the next day.
  5. One for all you o-fish-ionados then. Whale size. Crispy batter. Succulent white fish. £6.25
  6. 3. Their names all start with M except Sade, Dave Edmunds and Bob Dylan.
  7. Many happy returns, David.
  8. Especially from the box shifters larger model shops. I may be being overly cynical here but I get the feeling that, as with all of their promotions, they are desperately trying to get rid of stock that no one wants. No real bargains to be seen here.
  9. Other than for the obvious financial reasons for the organisers I can’t see any point in them playing the games that they currently are. I say ‘for the organisers’ because I have read that the uncertainty of the situation is actually costing the clubs quite a lot of money paying for and then having to cancel their arrangements.
  10. Seriously though, I wonder how they are going to sort out this mess given that the reason they award 28-0 score lines is that there is no opportunity to rearrange matches. Added to this, of course, is that they can’t ‘blame’ one of the teams and award the win to the other. Unless of course they blame the French Government and award the win to the non French team. I’d go along with that.
  11. Look on the bright side. If everyone from now on is awarded a 28-0 win Leicester will be out because they didn’t manage a bonus point win in their match.
  12. Yes, we had a great weekend but it wasn't Hardwick Hall it was Beamish Hall. It is now a 4* hotel but I remember when it was owned by Durham County Council as a residential/field centre. I have done a couple of residential in-service traIning ccourses there. It is a listed building so we found ourselves in the vaulted Hall complete with coats of arms and minstrel gallery being served with what amounted to glorified school dinners. They knew how to treat us teachers back then.
  13. The written commentary on the video suggested that the bollards had been moved by six inches so perhaps those who had driven straight through in the past just drove through again and were caught out.
  14. Good evening. A busy but enjoyable weekend has left me cream crackered. Saturday night saw us celebrating son’s and his partners birthday with a family gathering. I had a couple of glasses of falling down water and, since it is a while since I had any, I nearly fell over, but not quite. They didn’t half put a grand spread on and a great night was had by one and all. Sunday saw us taking new grandson to a Xmas grotto and then on the evening to one of these woodland light walks. It really was magical. Despite it being only a few miles ‘down the road’ we decided to push the boat out and book into the nearby hall/hotel for the night. Quite posh it was and I had to be on my best behaviour and speak proper like. The best part was, of course, a relaxed breakfast this morning. Again I let myself go and had the full English. It was absolutely delicious, prepared from quality local produce. No disrespect to ‘standard fare’ breakfasts, which I have been known to enjoy in the past, but good quality ingredients make a world of difference. We finished it all off with a visit to the local model shop on the way back to replenish various consumables. I did suggest doing the whole thing again next weekend but for some reason was voted down. Pah! As Baz would say.
  15. Thoughts are with the family TigerB.
  16. Now why did I read that as ‘the sphincter’s inscrutable smile’?
  17. I wish ewe hadn’t done that.
  18. The BBC have made their sound effects searchable and downloadable. I cant seem to copy it as a link but a google search for BBC sound effects gets you to the main page and a search for railways stations brings up a large selection that you may be able to use. There are lots of other useful sounds in there that you can cobble together to make suitable ambient sounds for a number of locations. Be prepared to waste some time in there!!
  19. I don’t know the heathcote system and so may be talking balderdash here, if so, just ignore me. If the signal controller can supply enough current, would it be possible to take a second feed from the green LED supply through an auxiliary switch on the point motor to the feather. That auxiliary switches according to the route set so using the correct connections the feather would only light if the green was on and that route was set.
  20. You had hair back then too. Well, after a fashion. Not PC to say who’s brother you were likened too.
  21. ... and what is the mark up price?
  22. Same here (unsurprisingly) except no thaw where cars have compressed the snow. Many paths and all side roads are still a sheet of ice. The mutts legs went from underneath him more than once on our morning walk. Still, every cloud and what have you, we decided to defrost the freezer whilst we could just put the frozen stuff outside for an hour or two.
  23. Many happy returns, GDB.
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