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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Many happy returns, David (F).
  2. Yorkshire? Where’s that? Down South somewhere
  3. It wasn’t telling lies. It has stopped now and is forecast to brighten up soonNot that it particularly matters as we are off to do the weekly shop shortly.
  4. Ham, egg and chips with tomato ketchup. * ** *** It was one of the things we were brought up with. **** * it has to be a thick slice of good ham. ** eggs - plural and fried of course *** and when really decadent some of the chips used to make a chip butty. **** probably goes some way to,explain my type 2 diabetes.
  5. Did you also spot that it shares data with 57 partners. Now I know you will say that this is all just a coincidence but you can’t tell me that they aren’t all in this together.
  6. Just the first rung of the ladder.
  7. Evening all. I’m becoming rather irritated. I have a new, to me, car. It's a 22 reg so not quite a vintage car yet. I decided to upgrade the maps. I have to download the maps to a memory card. No problem, but other ways might be more efficient. I have to use that memory card. It can take up to an hour. You what? I have to leave the engine running. You have got to be joking!! I am advised not to drive during that time whilst leaving the engine running. Please tell me that it’s a joke and someone is having a laugh at my expense. This is wrong on so many levels.
  8. I still do that even though it is now ‘computer controlled’ and I am doing it on a touch screen rather than with my probe - which was always an empty biro case with a wire stuffed down it. I’m convinced that, when in fully auto mode, the computer does the same. As you say, good practice whatever the system. As someone who is now persona non grata used to say, ‘clunk, click, every trip’.
  9. Or to paraphrase Kipling… How the orange one got his tan.
  10. You should have said you were heading this way, I could have waved as you passed.
  11. Wow. That was some power nap.
  12. I blame the French. So, it’s not just the English. The Germans do funny things too. Personally I think it’s because the round thing on top of the Duomo* looks like Florence from the Magic Roundabout’s hair. ** * see, we don’t all do it to everything. ** you are correct, probably best to stop this now.
  13. Nope. However, for Americans on trains …
  14. I’ve just checked and I see Afghanistan is leading the medal table,
  15. It’s all fine and convenient having all of these electronic magazines at you fingertips for a fraction of the price but there’s nothing quite like sitting down in your armchair with the real thing, a cup of coffee and a biscuit or two. The feel… The smell … The joy… Nurse, nurse …
  16. As was The Queen, Paddington and the musicians at the start of her jubilee concert.
  17. I looked in for just a few seconds and thought some of the side shows … err … strange. Perhaps it’s just me and an Old Wrinkly lock is needed. I didn’t stay long anyway.
  18. I have just noticed that my emails now have an additional message at the top … your network settings prevent content from loading privately … with the option to load content. When I select that, the images load. As others have said throughout history WTF. Some research is necessary.
  19. Evening all. May I ask a question. Is anybody else having problems with emails at the moment? Specifically many emails are coming through without any images. Where the images should be there is, for me, just a little placeholder symbol similar to that which I see when there are missing pictures in RMweb. I don’t think I have accidentally selected an option to do this as some are still coming through with images as intended.
  20. That looks superb. Don't you feel like printing it out just to see it and touch it. I know I would.
  21. I have just been watching some of the footage on the damage in Jasper. Frightening doesn’t even cover it. We have family in Alberta and have been to some of those places which makes it even more harrowing. Other members of the family live on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. There is a localised fire there. The wind is in the ‘right’ direction (for them, but perhaps not others) and they are only suffering minor issues eased by staying indoors with closed windows. They worry though that the wind might change and rain is not forecast for a while. Touching on the controversial now, I don’t condone Just Stop Oil’s modus operandi but I can’t help feeling sympathy for their worries. In reality they don’t need to take the action that they do, the Earth is going to tell us it is time for a reboot. Soon. In a big way that can’t be ignored,
  22. Evening all. A quiet day today. Treat myself to a smoked bacon and Stornaway black pudding in a ‘baguette’ sandwich for breakfast today. It’s not my birthday or anything I just fancied it. This particular combination is only surpassed by a square of good butcher’s Lorne sausage and haggis in a decent bun. That meant that I didn’t need to eat anything for the rest of the day until a (small portion of) home concocted chicken biryani type meal this evening. As I said, in between nothing much apart from the weekly food shop and solving a problem in a sketch for an Arduino project that wasn’t quite doing what I wanted it to. Fortunately I didn’t push it out, untested, to the rest of the world so there wasn’t another global crash today. That bit comes tomorrow. In between I fitted in a haircut. I can’t claim I had my ears lowered as some do, I don’t have enough of the stuff to make a difference to the height of my ears and what I do have grows out sideways, mad professor style. Perhaps learned readers might suggest a suitable description. Short back and sides and polish the top please, is the best I can do. Enjoy the rest of your evening folks.
  23. I see you had your moustache even back then.
  24. Evening all Today has been spent power washing and removing algae from various bits of concrete and fancy brickwork. This was followed by a wash through of the drains. They weren’t too bad at all but in one or two places silt had gathered and when disturbed it was obvious that some anaerobic bacteria had started to do their stuff. Everything is clean and sweet smelling again- apart from me. I’m off for a long shower.
  25. Be careful or I shall read you some of my poetry.
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