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Everything posted by BoD

  1. The last time I saw Alan Hull was at an Eric Bibb concert. I was about to say a few years ago but just checked when he died. Where do the years go?
  2. I couldn’t post earlier as this box, into which I am now typing, had all but totally disappeared. As others have already mentioned. I was up slightly earlier than usual because an appointment has been made for someone to pick up mum’s rollator and kitchen trolly that had been provided for her to aid her mobility - but which she point blank refused to use. The time slot they gave for pickup? 8.15 to 12.15. So far no sign. We have done most of the house clearing so I’m sitting watching the freezer defrost.
  3. Don’t kitchens get… erm… warm? Smoke alarms are better for knowing when your meal is ready.
  4. Rants? RANTS? I could go off an any number based on the last few days. Suffice to say I think too many are using COVID as an excuse to do nothing or as little as possible rather than as a genuine attempt to work safely. And my calls are still important to them. If you wish to reply to this post you are number 27 in the queue.
  5. I have been dropping in for a quick read occasionally and, although I have not been able to read everything, I have appreciated expressions of support. Did I really say ‘for a quick read’? As you suggest one reason that I have not been here, or on other favourite topics, is the speed issue. I have the patience of a saint for many things but internet download delays is not one of them. In addition there have been many tasks to carry out in relation to mum’s passing and, despite things like the government’s tell us once facility, an awful lot of time has been wasted by a number of institutions telling me repeatedly how important my call was to them.
  6. ERs has been many things to many people from the very early days of RMweb. I am sorry if I have upset people with my sad and cheerless posts. I won’t post again in the hope that ERs becomes more interesting again.
  7. It doesn’t get any better either. When I phoned the water board, or whatever their privatised equivalent is now, the person was very sympathetic and efficient until the very end when they tried to sell me an insurance policy to cover drainage, sewerage etc. They went into the full blown sales patter. I’m sure they were only following instructions and a script but … This might well be one for the CEO later.
  8. The voice recognition system used by British Gas when you call them is carp. Say in a few words the reason for your call. I wish to speak to the bereavement team. You have a fault with your shower. Is this correct? No , I wish to speak to a member of the bereavement team. You have no electricity. Is this correct? No, I wish to report the DEATH of a customer. I’m sorry I didn’t quite get that. Say in a few words the reason for your call. Ah well, onward and upward as they say. Edit - and now I’ve just received a text message asking me to rate their service. I wonder what to reply.
  9. Could Lemon Drizzle be the new Baked Beans? Do we need SAGE to advise on this. Perhaps Professor Ferguson needs to model the effect of LDC .
  10. Morning all. Back from hospital and the wait is over, mum passed away earlier this morning. Your thoughts have helped a lot over the last few days. Thank you.
  11. Evening all I have tried looking in once or twice today but ended up just giving up because of slow speed. We are still just playing the waiting game but mum at least seems comfortable and not in pain. Look after yourselves and your loved ones.
  12. Morning all No change Thank you for thoughts Knackered - so no ‘work events’ for me this weekend.
  13. Thank you for all the good wishes. Sadly though she has badly deteriorated. I am now able to sit with her as the visiting rules change when on an end of life pathway. Nothing I can do sitting here other than be with her when her time comes.
  14. Morning all Not a good 24hrs. I’ve mentioned my mum before. Ninety years old but mostly well physically, totally well mentally and still quite independent. Yesterday I had arranged to take her shopping rather than doing it for her, so went to pick her up. Her blinds were closed and door locked - she usually unlocks it if she knows I am coming - so I let my self in with some trepidation. Found her lying on floor very badly bruised and extremely confused. Emergency ambulance took her to hospital. Scan revealed large bleed on the brain, they were amazed that she wasn’t unconscious. We don’t know if bleed led to fall or fall caused bleed. Some deterioration overnight so next 48hrs critical as to which way things might go. Visiting restricted due to damn COVID rules so sitting here twiddling thumbs and chomping at the bit as it were. Having said that, second time in few days with reason to be very grateful to NHS. Emergency team were superb.
  15. I can’t complain either. A few years ago I had a cataract removed from one eye but the other was left alone. We knew it would need doing eventually. My vision in that eye has deteriorated considerably, increasingly so more recently, and is starting to impact on various activities which is quite depressing, but that is another story. Anyway, I had my nine monthly (ish) glaucoma checkup and my consultant and I agreed that now was the time to sort the cataract out. This was only yesterday. Today I received an electronic letter with an appointment for pre-op assessment and preparation for a fortnight today. As I said, can’t complain about that.
  16. Purple brushed denim (very) wide flares. 3” heels. Two-tone purple shirt with a silly collar, occasionally worn with a yellow, pink and orange flowery tie, which I still have somewhere. And no you are not seeing it.
  17. I just wonder why they promise so much for this year when they still haven’t delivered on and are even pushing back last year’s list. Unless something has ‘inspired’ them to make production slots available.
  18. The Highland liveried Class 153 (R30011 and R30071) was announced as part of the 2021 range due August last year and I pre-ordered one. The delivery date slipped to this winter. It is now showing a delivery date of winter 2022/23. I was a little disappointed, but knowing how everything has been ‘difficult’ over the last year or two was still wondering if this ‘slippage’ is normal. I’m prepared to wait (providing I don’t ‘pop my clogs’ meantime) and know that there is nothing on earth that I, and probably Hornby, can do about this. However, it is frustrating. Is it only this model that has suffered in this way or are others in the same position? Can anyone look in their crystal ball and say if this is likely to be delayed again? I carried out a search to see if this has already been mentioned and found nothing. Apologies if it has been addressed elsewhere.
  19. Have you seen this post, Rob? Whilst it might not be totally applicable it could help you get some of the measurements and angles correct. You would also have to work out some measurements by counting bricks/slates in photographs or taking relative measurements on screen and comparing to known heights, say people. Forgive me if you already know how to do this.
  20. They’ve got it off to a fine art, this last play if the match thing.
  21. One has to be very careful when dealing with different interpretations and meanings across borders (and I would guess even in different areas of the same country). I once took part in an online bridge session with players from various countries. Everyone was playing under a nom-de-plume and I chose a nickname that I had had for years as a youngster - Wasp. It didn’t go down well with some players on the other side of the Atlantic.
  22. I cant decide whether to click on supportive or funny... so have one of each.
  23. A very interesting post HH. Strangely enough, in my original plans both northbound lines would simply return to a fiddle yard but as I diverged more and more from the original one of the branches led to an imaginary terminus which was based very much on Glenuig. So I am now working on a two part layout one part 'inspired' by the prototype the other entirely fictitious but still true to WHL structure, stock and architecture. Back to your original post one compromise I have not made is that anything included in the layout - from buildings to railway infrastructure to rolling stock - must be based on the real WHL - and can be backed up by photographic/written evidence. You want Sulzers? Recently renumbered and ready for the weathering shop. I hope that this is allowed here?
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