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Everything posted by BoD

  1. That wasn’t a cricket score. Unless you are talking about England v Australia of course.
  2. That is why, although rare, it is not not unusual for last minute conversions to be taken as quick drop kicks rather than going through the whole kicking routine.
  3. In the England game the conversion passed through the posts before the 80 minutes and rules say the game has to be restarted. The law itself can be quite confusing and several qualifications have been needed over time but basically once the conversion is complete the ball is dead. Time cannot be called if the ball is dead. The definition of dead ball has also changed over the years. The referee is the sole arbiter of time, not the stadium clock or the one on TV screens. The ref usually delegates this function to the TMO when there is one. They do try to synchronise the tv clock with the one the TMO is using, but not always the stadium clock.
  4. I see Mr Abramovich is “giving trustees of Chelsea's charitable foundation the stewardship and care" of the club. Does anyone know what this actually means? Is ‘stewardship and care’ a formal legal position/term or is it a case of waiting to see what he intends to do?
  5. All this talk of CBD oil and ACB medicine has really upset my OCD. … and surely that should be CDO… put things in the correct order will you! … I’m not even going to mention GDB !!!
  6. Thoughts are with you and ‘The Boss’, Bob.
  7. They do say that we are the only species without which the world would be a better place. Myself, I would have included wasps too.
  8. Sorry to hear that Bob. It never rains but it pours, as they say.
  9. I seem to recall the instructions somewhere warning you to programme the two cars separately. I’m sure Iain is correct but it might be worth having another check of the instructions I don’t have mine to hand at the moment. Edit - sorry, ignore this. I have just checked and can't find any reference to this. I must have imagined it or it must have referred to something else. Its the 'oldtimers' disease kicking in.
  10. Or for us all to join in … Oh, for the wings, for the wings of a dove, And the dirty great …… Well, you know the rest.
  11. Please send all our best wishes back to him too.
  12. No. it took a leap and it’s on the next shelf up.
  13. @Florence Locomotive Works … and there are a few hereabouts who can do this maths thingy. Don’t hesitate to ask and I’m sure there will be plenty of help via PMs. As has been said you will probably end up surprising yourself… but you will never know if you don’t give it a go.
  14. I thought Falcon’s 14 men defended remarkably well for a long time against Essex this afternoon. The conditions didn’t help either side but I’m still proud in defeat.
  15. That would have been one heck of a mouthful …. and nameplate.
  16. May there be many more healthy and enjoyable complete orbits in store, Chris.
  17. Gentle breeze here. Sun out. We may put some sarnies up and have a wander down to the beach for a picnic and perhaps a paddle.
  18. Morning - the mutt and I have just been out for our morning constitutional. Not a breath of wind. Not a spot of rain or snow. Eunice, I bite my thumb at ye.
  19. Ah, Blazing Saddles. One of my favourite films.
  20. I suspect a Wales is bigger than most anyone else’s
  21. How mean. Didn’t even run to a dozen.
  22. I may be way off the mark here as I don’t know the voltages or current involved but could you use the auxiliary outputs from a cheap loco decoder.? Yes, the two relays would use the same address but switched by different functions of that address.
  23. William Doxford and Sons was a firm very much at the forefront of shipbuilding in Sunderland. I suppose it would make sense if they produced the engines too. Im not sure where his piles were though.
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