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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Before RMweb went offline I found myself in a part of Newcastle station I had not been in before and came across this. Quite touching and it is nice to know that they indeed are not forgotten. I am also aware of the monument on the hill above Penmanshiel. Are there others?
  2. Morning all. I had to drop the car at a garage this morning as the boot latch refuses to unlatch and I’m sick of putting things in via a lowered rear seat. Not recommended for someone of my girth. I booked the car in last week, told the garage owner what the fault was and he told me the make of the car. He wasn’t on the computer looking up its service records either. According to him it’s a common fault with this manufacturer. Anyway, after dropping the car off we decided on a cooked breakfast before walking home. It was our first one for I don’t know how long and all the more enjoyable for it. It was just as well we were fortified because the walk home was directly into a strong wind. Fortunately, it was only a couple of miles, which is about all I can manage now since the dreaded lurgy. Knowing my luck, when I go back the wind will have swung through 180. Mutt is now demanding a walk too. No rest for the wicked.
  3. Not necessarily - they are supposed to be bloodless.
  4. Wire strippers Tony? Don't you have a pair of these from the school physics lab? Seriously though, if you are careful they can strip very thin wire.
  5. So nice to see Christian Erickson on the score sheet this afternoon.
  6. The fact that at was April 1st did make me wonder about some of the enquiries I had to deal with.
  7. Morning all Yesterday’s sugar all melted by mid morning but there was quite a heavy frost when mutt and I walked earlier. A reasonably successful time yesterday answering enquiries from the house buyer's solicitor. Only a reasonable success though as quite some time was spent searching for information or documents that we have never had or have been lost in the mists of time. Kudos to Corgi though, two minutes after a phone call giving them the address a copy of the compliance certificate for the boiler pinged into my e-mail inbox with paper version to follow by post. It cost slightly more than afternoon tea at F&M’s and theydidn’t give me any champagne. This afternoon may be spent making up more cranks for the point rodding.
  8. First time I've noticed that 37s have a chimney at the front. May need to add detail to some of mine.
  9. The weather here has developed bipolar disorder.
  10. Morning all. Someone has scattered a load of sugar about outside as an April Fool’s joke. It’s white out there. Today will be spent mostly searching for various documents and answering questions asked by the solicitor for the buyer of mum’s house. That includes going to Corgi to see if the can provide a duplicate certificate for a boiler installed in 2007. Enjoy your holiday @chrisf
  11. I wish you well, but I suspect that many (and in particular those who have large numbers of photographs here) will have neither the time or inclination to go through the process of uploading/replacing them. After Dediserve’s muck* up of both the site and backups might it not be an idea just to accept that ‘we are where we are’ and start afresh with discussions and postings. It is a shame (given other going- ons in the world I hesitate to use the word tragedy which I might otherwise have done) to lose so much that has gone before, but it would be worse still to lose altogether this valuable and informative thread. * other first letters are available.
  12. We would probably break Facebook too.
  13. You are correct. I’ve just had a look back at my thread and there seems no rhyme or reason as to which images are showing and which aren’t. Hopefully it may just be (apart from the last year, which we know about) that the database is still being repopulated/rebuilt.
  14. British Gas are now directing you to a form to submit your reading saying it wont be updated real time but will be dealt with eventually ... mmm. Anyway, fill the form in, click submit and - guess what- it hangs.
  15. All those in the last year, Baz Andy explains what happened here ...
  16. What a shame that that Dediserve have managed to muck* up both the site and the backups and we have lost so many good pictures. Please don't be disheartened Rob. I wouldn't bother to try and replace them yourself but I hope you just pick up from where you left off and we can all continue to enjoy your wonderful layout. *other first letters are available
  17. I've just tried to update my meter readings online. Not a chance, it would appear that their website just can't cope with the numbers doing the same.
  18. Worse than that ... I even started listening to what she was saying. ... but I'll be Ok now.
  19. Afternoon all. Its nice to be back. Many expressions of thanks to Andy have and will be expressed here and elsewhere so I won’t be adding to them. I’m sure he knows how much his work is appreciated. Thankfully (in a perverse sort of way) I hadn’t updated my layout thread for a good while so there may not be too much needed to be done to ensure it makes sense again. I feel for all of those whose threads have lost valuable content. What have I been doing for the last two weeks I don’t hear you ask. Apart from usual spring time chores about the house I will say only two words. Point rodding. My eyes hurt and my patience has suffered somewhat. I’m off to take and send gas and electric meter readings.
  20. To counter the advantage of having brilliant white gloss again, much that I had done on the layout up until that point and that depended on me ‘matching colours’ looked quite wrong. I’m slowly working on what I can accept and changing things that I cant. It’s a bit of a pain. I tried changing the ‘colour’ of the lighting but that didn’t work.
  21. I thought all of our gloss paintwork quite yellow and in need of painting. I had my cataracts done and it turned out that it was still brilliant white. Result.
  22. How can something be both new and improved at the same time? It sounds as though someone has issued “strict guidelines”.
  23. I agree. Yours Quentin Cholmondeley - Featherstonehaugh
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