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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I’m led to understand that these aren’t mutually exclusive events.
  2. For some reason I don’t think they would ever think that a good idea in this country. A 14 day first class rover is/was £1250. Making rail transport easier and cheaper would …. Oops … sorry … heading into forbidden territory.
  3. It’s ok. The end of the check in queues are back to the village green.
  4. I first saw 'orange' sheep a good few years ago now when travelling through Galloway and Ayrshire. I thought I was seeing things.
  5. Take the easy option and say you are discouraging rustlers https://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/14764718.farmer-dyes-his-sheep-orange-to-deter-sheep-rustling/
  6. A huge welcome back Dave.
  7. Fifteen and a half now. Blind as a bat, deaf as a post, legs have started to give way occasionally and he bumps into or falls over things. BUT … for as long as he isn’t suffering he will get all the love and attention he deserves.
  8. Crumbs. You don’t mean Baz has gone to his makers do you?
  9. Many happy returns, Flávio. One must ask, does CC have both an official as well as an unofficial birthday? If so, what gets trooped?
  10. Gosh, miss a couple of days or so and the number of new pages overwhelms. Best wishes where needed. I was given a prize for French at Junior school. It must have been something of an innovation to have it in Junior schools back in the sixties but as I remember it, it comprised two classes sitting cross legged in the hall twice a week watching a fifteen minute programme on a small, by today's standards, black and white TV. I can't for the life of me remember what the programme was called but I did enjoy it. The language teachers in my first two years of senior school soon extinguished my enthusiasm and any interest I had and so I never took a language as an option. Something I often regret now. Not knowing when I was to have my cataract op we hadn't booked any holidays this year. I have just rectified that by booking a few days in the Orkneys of all places. I fancy it will be a holiday of history and myth with perhaps a visit to Highland Park distillery too. I am particularly looking forward to seeing the chapel built by Italian POWs. Stay safe folks
  11. I noticed that. Couldn’t help give a little chuckle. Some misguided people though, still insist on calling Leeds the North East when it is in fact down in the South West.
  12. We’ve locked up the women, children, and ham and peas pudding stotties.
  13. Would you like to borrow my copy of ‘Grasses’ by Hubbard (the penguin version)? I could never work them out either.
  14. Start em young… Grandson (aged 1yr ) earlier today. As you can probably guess he has us wrapped round his little finger.
  15. Personally I wouldn’t want to crash on anything. I have only ever flown once. Actually, it was twice because I came back too. That’s not for any particular reason, I just don’t think it’s in my nature to be an international globe trotter.
  16. Both have been members here at various times in the past.
  17. They produce a number of useful devices targeted specifically at model railways. I use a distribution board where the individual terminals are switched. I use it to switch different locations/types of lighting across the layout. I may get round to automating it via Arduino but it does the job so equally I may well not bother. I have seen/heard their sound project (again quite expensive) in use. It is very effective. Other’s opinions may differ of course.
  18. This company refers to them as power distribution boards, as you suggest. https://www.bclstore.co.uk/product-page/power-distribution-board-18-way-screw-terminal-connection Not cheap but definitely good quality. No connection, satisfied customer etc.
  19. Has HH been practising his dancing again? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-61636678
  20. Can you easily remove one of the tortoises and check that it works on a test bench. This would rule out any problem with the installation. Tortoises are fairly forgiving but need to be aligned and centred correctly and the screws need to be similarly tensioned so the motor is ‘level’ under the baseboard.
  21. Is there still a ‘cafe’ at the far end?
  22. The increase in card use is, to a certain extent, an inevitable result of recent events. Only a few years ago I was in a pub and found it, to me, incredulous that someone would pay for a pint using card. I personally wouldn’t have dreamt of using it for everyday small purchases. Now I find I do the same. In some cases, as you say, there’s no choice but sometimes it is indeed easier. On a recent visit to The Lake District it was noticeable that all parking payment and even toilets had been adapted to accept card payments. Regarding the charity requests, an imposition I guess, but I can see where the charities are coming from. I suspect that they made quite a lot from the buckets at the end of checkout where people would put that loose change rather than back in their pockets. Not much different to rounding up. Downside is though, you don’t really know which charities benefit and they are probably no longer smaller local ones. I sincerely hope that there isn’t an admin fee for doing this. Sorry about that - RMweb thread drift at its best.
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