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Everything posted by BoD

  1. So that’s how I ended up with a Victoria sponge cake filled with cream and ham.
  2. A few years ago local leagues were reorganised with one league suggesting day long games rather than just Saturday afternoons. There was a general hoo-haa and upheaval because many players said they were only allowed out to play on an afternoon if they completed various domestic tasks on the morning.
  3. I think that would depend on the decoder and sound project installed rather than the controller. Some projects allow you to notch up and down the sound independent of the loco speed. I don’t think it’s seven steps though. In a similar way others allow you to hit a function button which holds the speed (including stationary) while ‘driving’ the sound - which seems like what you are after. I’m not sure if there are any that allow you to hold the sound while changing the speed - although judicious application of a brake function may achieve the desired effect. Anybody else know? Having said that, many of the more recent, better, sound projects do what you want in a realistic way anyway. I guess you would have try them out before buying them.
  4. They do seem to be indestructible… apart from when they fall apart. Fortunately easily put back together again. I wonder just how long they have been going on Corfe. As you know they get a fair old hammering
  5. I have on (rare) occasions tried to think about the immensity of the universe and time and even what was before and is after that. It is way beyond my limited intelligence and just makes my brain hurt. I think I will just accept that the answer is 42.
  6. I was always amazed by the ingenuity of Australian brewers. Just how did the get the cats to pee in the four X cans?
  7. You will probably do better business if you open them all of the way.
  8. With a little bit of re-wording that is the sort of puzzle I used to set my pupils when, back in the day, I taught maths. They groaned then too.
  9. All but one of the sites returned by Google were pornographic video sites.
  10. You mean they aren’t true stories?
  11. If you are looking for one I would suggest not searching for video spycam
  12. I really enjoy your photos, both here and on in your ‘trains’ thread. We like the A696 and area. Whenever we journey north I would always use that road rather than the A1. No contest really. I don’t feel relaxed though until we get through the western bypass, and past the airport and Ponteland. When we are heading North of the Forth we time it for a cooked breakfast or bacon butty at the woollen mills in Jedburgh.
  13. Ditto, ditto and ditto Better end result but much the same suffering.
  14. After six weeks waiting for eye to settle, I have my new spectacles. It is nice to be able to read properly again. Muddling will come soon too. Having said that one of the books I have picked up to browse is a pictorial ‘past and present’ type book. It is one of the saddest things.
  15. You’re a braver man than I, Gunga Din.
  16. I think the term you were looking for was combined work event.
  17. Start selling guns at IKEA?
  18. Gosh. Never in the field of rhetorical questions has so much been posted by so many by so…. Phew. And today’s rhetorical question… Which is easier, strumming, plucking, tootling, plonking or umpiring?
  19. Rhetorical question of the day… Does anyone, anywhere have a picture of GDB smiling.
  20. Being mathematically inclined I always just round to the nearest letter.
  21. Feeling rather sorry for Wales… … and that’s something I never, ever imagined I would hear myself say.
  22. Over the years I bought stock in preparation for my ‘retirement’ layout. Sadly I gave little thought to what I really needed and bought many things just because I liked them. In the case of coaching stock that was also tempered by what was available too. They say ignorance is bliss. I have, however, ended up with an imbalance of stock which yes, I could run but it wouldn’t be quite right. Do I just apply rule 1 while I seek to redress that imbalance? I don’t know. For similar reasons to those outlined above I have a handful of maroon mk1 second open coaches. I wonder how hard it would be to re-livery them and make a passable job of it.
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