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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Why don't you all just say that what you really want is live, fast, cheap women.
  2. They were well deserved.
  3. It’s cricket, Jim, but not as we know it.
  4. I think it’s got to be a higher power. My grandparents bought me a premium bond when I was born. It was when the bonds were first issued and although the bond amount is very, very small in today’s money it was a good chunk of their week’s wage back then. I’ll say no more about that other than it was a big sacrifice to them back then. It was put aside and totally forgotten about until I won fifty pound the month of my fiftieth birthday. Nothing before and nothin since. Can’t wait until I’m a hundred.
  5. Are you paw-sitive about that?
  6. Yes, it should be saved for paws-terity
  7. Enjoy your break, Rick.
  8. … that’s an unusual side effect for an op on the hand.
  9. What happens to them when their lease runs out?
  10. Dave, thoughts are still with you. Remember to get enough copies of the certificate for what you think you need. Buying more later is more expensive than buying extra now. Having said that when mum died earlier this year I was surprised by how many places were now willing to accept uploads of scans of originals. Probably a spin off from covid.
  11. ... not forgetting the ones who are just downright offensive.
  12. … she obviously hadn’t met me.
  13. Ah, that explains it. Do you have any pet silkworm?
  14. Goodness the blackberries are ripening. It must be Autumn.
  15. Moving from that particular case to the general…. Isn’t it strange that most of us spent our time trying to make life better for our own offspring and the next generation … and then complain when they do ‘have it easier’ than us.
  16. Dave, our thoughts are with you and your family.
  17. Morning all. No choice about what to do today. Mondays and Tuesdays we babysit our grandson while parents are at work. This is no hardship at all. He is too young for our model railway yet but that time will come. At the moment plastic push along toys are his favourite - along with anything that makes a noise when pressed.
  18. Evening all. Relaxing now after spending today running things on parallel metal rails for the entertainment of visitors to the NT at Ormesby Hall. It is a rather special layout we have there and were this not Wheeltappers I would post a couple of pictures and let you be the judges. Regarding whisky, I number of years ago I invested in ‘advance’ bottles of Founder’s Reserve from the Isle of Arran distillery. It was, I guess, their way of funding the startup of the distillery. The bottles arrived after said number of years and have increased in value but are not yet rare enough to make selling them that worthwhile. The number I own has decreased through, err, natural wastage, anyway. The rarest bottle I have is going for up to 1.5k at the moment. That one I may hang on to a bit longer.
  19. So, the team that finished second in the table came… er… second and the team that finished top of the premiership actually won the premiership. It would have been a travesty of justice had it been any other way. We all know why they have the playoffs but it just doesn’t seem right to me. Having said that I enjoyed the games, especially today’s thrilling encounter and am so pleased that it turned out well for our resident tigers.
  20. You are Trigger and his broom. I claim my £5 Happy anniversary.
  21. …. I’m sure something else will be along before too long.
  22. Morning all Good luck to @tigerburnie and @Dave Hunt and their lot in the big match at Twickenham this afternoon. I will be rooting for them in too, in preference to the opposition.
  23. ... and the actual content is?
  24. To finish the story ... As Andrew asked I returned to SPROG to him and got it back today a fully working repaired/replaced SPROG. I wasn't expecting this as I have had my SPROG a good while now and was just looking for confirmation that it wasn't a software issue or something I was doing in error. What fantastic customer service. Thank you Andrew.
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