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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Oops. Hadn’t noticed the date of the original post and replies. Having said that, I visited them in Haworth and it seems like only yesterday.
  2. There are several ways of getting to Isle of Man without leaving the mainland.
  3. I’m not sure that this is the same Pennine Models that the original poster was asking about.
  4. The government and military are involved? Give it fifty years then.
  5. In twenty years time we won’t recognise the technology at all… … but I bet they are still using the floppy disk as the save icon.
  6. I hope you haven’t copyrighted that. I can see it being very useful.
  7. So where does that leave to consume it?
  8. We never could tell with him. He was a great bloke to know, and could tell a really good story. His specialist subject was drama. We all knew that his tales could be total fabrication or absolute truth - but usually something in between. He could make them all sound so convincingly true but he never did it for the kudos, just to entertain. This was forty plus years ago and he is no longer with us.
  9. I was acquainted with an HMI of schools (as they once were known) and he told my of the time he was in Germany inspecting armed forces schools over there. He was taken to the officer’s mess and was having a drink (and by gum, could he drink) when he eventually wondered why nobody was sitting down to eat. He asked why this was and was told that they were waiting for the senior officer to take their seat. So he asked who the senior officer was and was told ‘you are’. Apparently he had been given a very senior rank for the duration of the inspection. Perhaps some here might tell me if this was likely or was he just bullsitting - knowing him, quite possibly so.
  10. I know there's a lot of photographic compression of perspective here but that looks far too close for comfort.
  11. That looks a very promising start. I will be following this with interest.
  12. They've used the low relief terraced houses up against the plain backscene to great effect - although you can see the joins in the backscene.
  13. That’s because it’s a Short Sunderland.
  14. After the tragic case where that poor girl had an allergic reaction and died after eating a sandwich, Natasha’s law was introduced whereby prepackaged food must display a complete list of ingredients. The Trust brought many foods that had previously been prepared locally, prepackaged or otherwise, to central production to more easily comply. Post pandemic issues also means it is easier to do it that way.
  15. I have never ‘fired’ anything more powerful than a small water pistol and (potato pellet) firing ‘spud gun’. It looks tempting but with my eyesight it is probably best that I don’t start now.
  16. Morning all. Covid symptoms have been mild again this time for both of us. No more than a mild cold for me and a heavier one for Mrs BoD. I did lose my sense of taste for a couple of days though. I have been trying to make sense of the covid rules. It all seems rather wishy-washy. There are no “musts” but lots of “you should try to … if you can” involved. We have stayed at home but my sister, who is a practice nurse says, somewhat worriedly, it doesn’t matter because half the population are walking around with it anyway. Congratulations to GDB’s GD.
  17. Taken by my own fair hand and the only photoshopping was the usual tweaking of levels and curves. St Mawes. They are visible on street view, captured three years earlier than that photo - in much better condition but without that pricing on them.
  18. Quite a few found their way to the North East coalfields (and possibly others?). The 1881 census found between 1,600 and 1,700 Cornish born colliery workers in County Durham There are still areas of some mining villages known colloquially as Cornwall as that is where the Cornish miners settled. Streets in a mining village close to me are called: Trevone Square, Treen Crescent, St Ives Place, Tregoney Avenue, Penryn Avenue, Truro Avenue and Bude Square. One Cornishman is actually recorded in the census as being born in "Sintosel", the local census recorder's understanding of his pronunciation of St Austell. Anyway, as we are on about Cornwall and the is Wacky 'Signs', I'm not surprised they sold out...
  19. You're just playing it by ear.
  20. Morning all Back from fantastic visit to Orkney. Would highly recommend it. Tested positive for Covid on return. Wouldn't recommend it. Far too many pages to catch up on so I hope I haven't missed anything of serious import and all are well.
  21. Welcome from the Costa del Durham
  22. I read 1984 recently and you know what... I don't remember it being anything like that at all.
  23. Can one still buy these (and whoopee cushions) in joke shops nowadays. Are there still such things as joke shops. Asking for a friend.
  24. Happy 40th, Mr &Mrs Ian A. I hope you can enjoy a good celebration when you feel more up to it.
  25. In Scotland they have provided very sophisticated and accurate measuring equipment to help you in these matters ...
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