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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Our doctor's system tells you what number you are in the queue. I joined to queue at number 12 but only had about a ten-minute wait. With the phone on loudspeaker you can at least do something else meanwhile. I guess though, the way my number in the queue fell more than one number a couple of times, that others were just hanging up.
  2. We never holiday for sunshine. We are not heat/pool/sunlounge people. We would rather be looking at/doing something interesting. Even if it is wet we don our coats and hats, stick the umbrella up (if possible) and just get on with it.
  3. Reading some of your posts and seeing pictures of the different trains and trams on the IoM makes me think that a holiday over there at some point will be well worthwhile. Morning all Yesterday the dizziness disappeared as quickly as it came on. Woke up and it had gone. At the same time BP returned to normal for me. I even managed a walk this morning even if it was just a short walk to the coast and back. I won’t cancel my GP appointment for Friday as she asked me to keep a BP diary. There are still one or two unanswered questions.
  4. Does anyone here know anything about the construction of the Sopwith Triplane?
  5. You might get away with it as long as you aren't humping.
  6. I beg the help of the venereal venerable members… Why do I insist on acquiring and building wagon kits for which I have no earthly use? Having no six-wheeled examples how have I ended up with an odd number of wheel sets? Answers please on the back of a ten pound note to …
  7. Oh, rude words. Yesterday I felt that my balance was returning to some semblance of normality. Got up this morning and immediately had to lie back down until everything stood still again. It looks like only very gentle movements are required again today. As Baz would say - Pah! Still I’ve got a couple of wagon kits I picked up from Red Leader last week that need clagging together and plenty to read. Every cloud etc…
  8. I don’t know the Megapoints system but Is it possible that the new servo controller is faulty and causing the issue? Can you easily revert to the configuration you had and know works then swap an existing controller with the new one. You would at least then establish that it is the increase in length/power consumption that is the issue.
  9. I agree, it's a beautiful place. Even though it gets busy it can be peaceful too especially if, as you say, you head to some of the quieter footpaths or the church itself. It is also the final resting place of ... White roses - how very appropriate.
  10. Please pass on our regards and best wishes.
  11. I thought you would be more Hardy but if you are suffering you could always dial 111.
  12. Evening all Balance continues to be er … unbalanced. I know I’m standing still and nothing else is moving but I feel like I’m swaying and everything else is moving. Unless I keep my head still or move very, very slowly. I phoned surgery first thing and they arranged a ‘call back’ appointment. They phoned back at about 9.15 and after a triage I was given an appointment to see a GP at 10.25. I can’t complain about the system here. The GP seems to have been a registrar GP and requested that she record the consultation for her exams. No problem for me, so after I signed a form I was given a very thorough going over consultation. She thought it unlikely to be vaccine related but more likely to be a viral infection of the balance bits of the ear. She thinks it will fade over the next few days. However, my blood pressure was somewhat higher than usual so i have a BP diary to keep and another appointment in a weeks time. She established that even though I couldn’t go for my daily walk I could still manage about the house so decided against medication which is usually just travel sickness pills anyway. Onwards and upwards, or in my case slowly and as level as possible.
  13. I think today that you have to demonstrate that you aren’t Reginald Molehusband.
  14. Surgeon now ‘going off it’ because ward removed drips and drains without his knowledge and didn’t increase pain management accordingly. Poor lass was in distress until he came round. I think the bed was quickly found for her without the ward being informed of the nature or seriousness of the op. The junior doctor on the ward thought it was a straightforward hysterectomy and told her it was just keyhole surgery. They would find it hard to remove a lump the size of a very large orange through a keyhole.
  15. Pfizer Bivalent. But reassuring to know that it could well be the cause ... thanks.
  16. Talking of cancellations. Our son’s partner developed a growth on an ovary - and it grew and grew. Thankfully it was benign but it would take a long complicated op to get rid of it. The op was cancelled three times because they couldn’t get a surgical team together. Apparently such a long op needs a ‘reserve’ surgeon available. Finally, they said the op must go ahead. Accordingly she arrived, as instructed, at the hospital on Tuesday at 7.30 am only to be told there was not a bed available for her. What the ****!!! Was the surgical team going to sit and twiddle thumbs for seven hours that day. Her parents arrived to pick her up around 10 and just as they were about to leave she was informed that they had found a bed for her and the op went ahead several hours late. The surgeon advised her to formally complain in the strongest possible terms. Are things so bad in our hospitals that they would stand down a surgical team for want of a bed? It would seem so.
  17. Good morning all. It is raining here too, and forecast to last all day. There is a met office warning out for ‘thunderstorms nearby’. A pity that they are only nearby - I love a good thunderstorm. Yesterday I had my covid booster. Today I woke up, stood up and nearly fell over. My balance seems to have gone all to pot. I am having to hold things to move about and am only really comfortable keeping my head perfectly still otherwise everything seems to spin. It looks like a day lying down or sitting reading may be in store. Not an unpleasant thought after a few hectic days. I have read the leaflet that was given to me with the covid booster and this is not listed as a side effect, not even an extremely rare one. I hope I have just picked up some sort of ear infection. I will give it 24 hrs and see what happens. Have a good day peoples.
  18. Our surgery do both together too but once they said that the covid clinics were full I decided to go for the flu jab and just look elsewhere for the covid one. It was only on passing reception that I decided to ask on the off chance …. A pity that whoever took the booking on the phone couldn’t see that there were indeed slots available on the Wednesday when they could have done both.
  19. Afternoon all from a beautifully sunny but somewhat windy Costa del Durham I had my flu jab this morning at the GP surgery. Arm a little bit sore but no big issue. When I booked by phone I asked if I could have a Covid booster and flu jab at the same time. I was told ‘yes, but covid clinics’ were Wednesdays and Fridays but were all fully booked. Still, this was only on Friday so I was pleased to take an appointment for the flu jab today. As I was leaving the surgery I asked reception if they had arranged any further covid clinics, “oh, we’ve plenty of appointments this Wednesday if you want one” they replied. Ah well, back again on Wednesday, I guess, thankful to be getting one after all.
  20. Since this is the Forum Jokes Thread after all I have a joke about trickle down economics …. … but 99% of you wouldn’t get it.
  21. Strange that, until recently, they were both powered by coal and steam.
  22. Today I’m off to my second exhibition in 3 weeks/3years* * delete either and and it would still be correct.
  23. I think you may have posted this in the wrong forum area and may get a better response elsewhere. I have reported this post to the moderators, not because there is anything wrong with it, just in order that they may decide to move it for you.
  24. Pop down to the local shop/market stall that sells all those hideous phone/tablet/iPad covers and they will probably be able to do it in 10 minutes for you.
  25. Sad news indeed. One of my ‘stories’ at the NT has gone too. Apart from our main layout, our raison d’etre, we also have a Thomas layout for children (of all ages). On the main layout one of the trains consists of 25 private owner coal wagons. When running it I would explain to visitors, in all seriousness, that ‘while next door we have Thomas, Percy, Edward and Gordon, we call this engine Robbie. ….. …. Robbie Coal Train’ . The groans could be heard for miles. R.I.P. Hagrid.
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