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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I did once suggest that the dining room at work should sell alcohol, but the school dinner ladies said that there was enough mess as it was.
  2. It is possible to fit sound and lights to a ‘dummy’ loco. However, the method depends very much on the loco with which you are starting. Does it already have LED. Lights fitted? Is it DCC ready? The work involved could range from having to fit LEDs yourself and hard wiring a decoder to simply fitting a speaker and sound decoder to a DCC ready loco. You do say that that the 47 would be unpowered but it would help answer your question if you could tell us which loco would be your starting point.
  3. Being ever the pessimist I tried to source some candles online. It seems nowadays that it isn’t possible to buy candles that are not; a) scented b) strangely coloured c) in glass jars or tins d) lit by LEDs e) for use by nuns I mean in church. The hunt continues.
  4. Happy anniversary to the JJBs
  5. Can I be minister for silly walks?
  6. Devote yourself to working hard, work lots of overtime, do your best for the company and …. … your boss will be able to go into space again.
  7. @Barry O may the luck be with you too!!!!
  8. Afternoon all Point rodding. I may will be some time. Thats all.
  9. Good news Ian. Hope it stays that way and Sherry continues to make good progress.
  10. There aren't many recovered tanks there. On the national rail website the date for the line re-opening seems to be a (very) movable feast. Recently it was saying next Monday but now is saying closed until further notice as they do not have 'a robust estimate' for the line to reopen.
  11. When something goes wrong, someone, somewhere will try to remedy the situation by issuing ‘strict guidelines’.
  12. Most probably as Nigel says but also a) check that the simple toggle switches that you are using are ‘centre off’ and return to centre as solenoids do not like having a current continuously supplied and would not work if you decided to incorporate the capacitor discharge unit. b) take care fitting the point motor in line with the movement of the tie bar of the point. Seep motors are particularly prone to not working if they are out if alignment.
  13. … it probably wasn’t Tony.
  14. As all the top chefs keep telling us, it's just a matter of presentation ...
  15. That’s my sort of road.
  16. Yet how often have you been stuck behind a caravan called a Swift... or a Sprite... or a Buccaneer... or a Laser ... or a Whirlwind... or a ...
  17. If you are looking for wire that is thin and easy to hide try using the enamelled magnet/motor winding wire like this ... (just an example - many possible suppliers). As the name suggests it is enamelled so you have to scrape the ends before soldering but it also means that it can be painted which, apart from it being very thin, helps hide it. Another option might be to us those cheap Leds you buy at supermarkets at Christmas based on similar wire. Edit - also thin enough to thread though thin tube for traffic lights etc.
  18. Our doctor's system tells you what number you are in the queue. I joined to queue at number 12 but only had about a ten-minute wait. With the phone on loudspeaker you can at least do something else meanwhile. I guess though, the way my number in the queue fell more than one number a couple of times, that others were just hanging up.
  19. We never holiday for sunshine. We are not heat/pool/sunlounge people. We would rather be looking at/doing something interesting. Even if it is wet we don our coats and hats, stick the umbrella up (if possible) and just get on with it.
  20. Reading some of your posts and seeing pictures of the different trains and trams on the IoM makes me think that a holiday over there at some point will be well worthwhile. Morning all Yesterday the dizziness disappeared as quickly as it came on. Woke up and it had gone. At the same time BP returned to normal for me. I even managed a walk this morning even if it was just a short walk to the coast and back. I won’t cancel my GP appointment for Friday as she asked me to keep a BP diary. There are still one or two unanswered questions.
  21. Does anyone here know anything about the construction of the Sopwith Triplane?
  22. You might get away with it as long as you aren't humping.
  23. I beg the help of the venereal venerable members… Why do I insist on acquiring and building wagon kits for which I have no earthly use? Having no six-wheeled examples how have I ended up with an odd number of wheel sets? Answers please on the back of a ten pound note to …
  24. Oh, rude words. Yesterday I felt that my balance was returning to some semblance of normality. Got up this morning and immediately had to lie back down until everything stood still again. It looks like only very gentle movements are required again today. As Baz would say - Pah! Still I’ve got a couple of wagon kits I picked up from Red Leader last week that need clagging together and plenty to read. Every cloud etc…
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