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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all. They do say that many ‘traditional’ fish and chip shops will go to the wall over the coming months. I find that fish and chips bought from shops that also sell kebabs and Pizzas are not normally as nice. I’ve an appointment to see my eye consultant at 8.50 this morning. I’m guessing it’s to check up on the cataract op. After the other eye was done my retina detached. I also see him regularly to keep an eye on glaucoma. One day (not too soon I hope) he is going to tell me not to drive. Three link couplings are becoming a bit of a pain as it is. What is life without three links, I ask. Have a good day whatever you are up to folks.
  2. …. and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green.
  3. I’m about to indulge in a steak and haggis pie. The pastry looks very nice so hopefully the rest of it will be too. No doubt I will suffer a bit of indigestion later. I hope it’s worth it.
  4. Strangely enough I am at Carlisle watching Tangmere on a Norther Belle excursion going back to ... er ... Telford. No jokes please
  5. I’m still here and looking in. It’s not the content at all, just the sheer volume. Of both threads really, but less so the Night Mail. Trouble is, if you miss a couple of days for whatever reason, there can be several pages to catch up. I do try but it’s not always possible. That leads to feeling that I don’t want to jump in and contribute as much as I once did as I may not be up to date with goings on and I may not be able to follow up before more pages have appeared and things have moved on by several topics. I have reduced my use of social media a little of late so with me it’s a case of ERs being a victim of its own success.
  6. The North Yorkshire Moors Railway’s steam gala started today and runs over the weekend. It looks worth a visit, if only for the fact that Sir Nigel Gresley has returned to steam if nothing else, so I may pop down tomorrow. Having said that, seeing the crowds on their webcams today, I may not. I will see how I feel come the morning.
  7. Cambrian do a kit for the Sturgeon. If you do decide to do one be prepared to go boss eyed and half mad with all of those door bangs... and as for the grab rails if you do a version with sides... 'nuff said. Other than that, a nice kit.
  8. I hope the same would apply to the pallbearers in Edinburgh even though they had to perform the duty fewer times.
  9. I really enjoy his walking books too. ‘Walking the Dales’ and ‘Footloose in Western Ireland’ are particularly entertaining reads, with just the right mix of descriptive writing, story telling banter and humour. Both are accompanied by excellent photographs, another of his talents.
  10. Those pallbearers (the same ones throughout today I believe) have done a sterling job. The steps up to St George’s Chapel can’t have been easy with a lead lined casket.
  11. … and lasses. Apparently Queen Victoria’s funeral was on a cold day and the horses got fractious waiting for the coffin, were starting to misbehave and part of the harnesses/attachments for the gun carriage got broken. A delay looked likely until Prince Louis of Battenberg, later First Sea Lord, suggested that the naval guard of honour could do the job. Ropes were sent for and the rest, as they say, history
  12. Arrives on Sunday for the funeral.
  13. That deserves the loudest groan possible.
  14. Poor sod must be knackered. Just today, listening to and speaking to Lords and Commons at Westminster then a dash (ok, probably well facilitated) to Edinburgh, to a ceremony just so he can get into his own palace, then quick change and slow walk up the Royal Mile behind the coffin to a drawn out service in St Giles followed by a formal session with the Scottish Parliament. Then another change of kit and back to St Giles for vigil at the coffin. And that’s after a rather hectic few days. He’s a 73 year old. Give the bloke a break, when is he supposed to personally grieve for his mother?
  15. Next week they will ask you to stack the shelves before using the self scan checkouts.
  16. Hopefully though, with most things coming with fitted plugs your average joe public won’t feel the need to do that. Those who do go out if their way to buy plugs either know what they are doing or fall into the category of my post immediately before yours and Darwinian theories come into play.
  17. As they say... You can make things idiot proof but then they just design better idiots.
  18. It’s often difficult to tell from photos but to me the muted colours of the Accurascale ones look much more realistic than the more garish Noch ones. Then there’s the actual BR style.
  19. The carton of milk I have in the fridge has seen two Prime Ministers and two Monarchs and is still fresh.
  20. It is unlikely that many will live to see another queen though.
  21. Why would one need more than a single vacuum cleaner. Ok then, perhaps two, one for each hand. Alright, maybe a third to stick……
  22. Oops. Hadn’t noticed the date of the original post and replies. Having said that, I visited them in Haworth and it seems like only yesterday.
  23. There are several ways of getting to Isle of Man without leaving the mainland.
  24. I’m not sure that this is the same Pennine Models that the original poster was asking about.
  25. The government and military are involved? Give it fifty years then.
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