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Everything posted by BoD

  1. UNinebriated? Or do you always use the 48h clock?
  2. I looked at the instructions too and agree. I have messaged Rick to check that I am looking at the instructions for the right model.
  3. If I am alone, in the middle of a forest, miles from the nearest civilisation I will still be wrong.
  4. Given that the sockets are 3.5 jacks and the turntable seems to have its own amp and speakers, they may not be using the term Aux Out as normally applied in hi-fi set ups.
  5. We are assuming that they are actually using Magnet to get that price. Might they not unwittingly have gone to another insurer who, not being familiar with the situation, has quoted them a ridiculous premium. £100-£150 seems a very reasonable amount for any organiser to pay to protect those kind enough to provide the layouts necessary to put on their show and for their own peace of mind. Or have margins become that slim/financial risks such an unknown post-covid?
  6. Aux Out sockets are usually ‘line level’ which needs amplification before going to speakers, although they are not normally 3.5 jacks. What make/model is your turntable.
  7. Teaching was very much the same back then. Pay would fall further and further behind and then there would be a report followed by a ‘relatively’ reasonable increase. Pay would then start to fall behind again until another report was deemed necessary.
  8. Morning all Hope hospital visit has gone well GDB. I should have got my bus pass today but that will have to wait another year and who knows, possibly longer the way things are going. I get the feeling that nothing is off the table at the moment. Have a good day folks.
  9. Notwithstanding the seriousness of the situation, it would have been most amusing if the barriers could have been raised whilst he was still astride.
  10. I did a (compulsory) module at uni called ‘Modern (Boolean) Algebra and Set Theory’. I’m sure Andrew C would have been able to come up with suitable word to describe it.
  11. Oooh, at last something we can beat someone at. Let’s make it our National sport and start a World Cup in it. Or if not World Cup at least a Eurovision sh@g contest. That way monkeysarefun can join in too.
  12. Does she know that you are going to paint the fitted carpet bauxite?
  13. Interesting posts re the ineptitude of energy suppliers. I have had a similar example this week. Not on par with those outlined above but still incompetence. Just this week I received two letters from the energy company informing me that they had omitted to send bills for March. They told me that they would send copies of the bills but not to worry though as the gas/electricity use would have been accounted for in later bills/payment. On closer inspection I found that these letters referred to mum's old house. I had informed them in January of her death and then in April that I had sold the house and gave them final meter readings. I have had the final bills addressed to her estate and receipts showing them as paid. I look forward to these 'omitted' bills. At which point I may revert to social media or fire of a letter to the CEO.
  14. Neither can I. Morning all
  15. So what colour tolerance band do you paint on that?
  16. Morning all Many happy returns to Mrs O and Mrs GDB. An increasingly difficult problem as we age is what to buy Mrs BoD for a gift at birthdays and Xmas. Especially as when asked she invariably says she wants nothing. One of these days I might just … Have a good day one and all
  17. Somebody needs a carpeting for that.
  18. Passing through Leeds station after a most enjoyable day out on the Settle and Carlisle line. Waves towards the North West Highlands (of Leeds) and @Barry O
  19. Don't worry. Humankind will have taken itself out of the picture long before then. One way or another.
  20. Well that didn’t take long. Into Eye Infirmary for 8.45. Initial tests done, sent for photos, consultant seen and out by 9.10. Good news too. Field tests show no change. Consultant had good look at eyes and is more than happy with them. New lens is ok. Retinas are fine. Eye pressures down to normal range, first time for a long time. Albeit with the help of eyedrops. Consultant doesn’t want to see me for nine months rather than usual six. One happy BoD. Now, let me at those three links.
  21. Surely Gary can chauffeur him about. On his tractor. Problem solved,
  22. Morning all. They do say that many ‘traditional’ fish and chip shops will go to the wall over the coming months. I find that fish and chips bought from shops that also sell kebabs and Pizzas are not normally as nice. I’ve an appointment to see my eye consultant at 8.50 this morning. I’m guessing it’s to check up on the cataract op. After the other eye was done my retina detached. I also see him regularly to keep an eye on glaucoma. One day (not too soon I hope) he is going to tell me not to drive. Three link couplings are becoming a bit of a pain as it is. What is life without three links, I ask. Have a good day whatever you are up to folks.
  23. …. and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green.
  24. I’m about to indulge in a steak and haggis pie. The pastry looks very nice so hopefully the rest of it will be too. No doubt I will suffer a bit of indigestion later. I hope it’s worth it.
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