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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ..but then again, I've not been seen in the same room as the Queen, David Beckham or Ernest Postwhistle either.
  2. People often say that they have never seen me and George Clooney in the same room.
  3. Morning all Didn't rise til 7:30 this morning. I will have to be careful or I might get myself a reputation.
  4. We are scaling new heights here.
  5. It would probably just fall flat there.
  6. Morning all It's on the news this morning that the government are planning to give children of seven careers lessons and work related learning. We are ruining their innocence and forcing them to grow up far too soon. I know that learning may need to be more relevant than it is now, but at seven? [/rant over]
  7. Morning all Yes. It has been on the local news quite a bit recently. Ramsey retired to Durham and I often saw him on his daily walk when I was at uni there.
  8. I don't think it's you Rich. Looks like the forum's problem with images isn't totally resolved.
  9. Ah but look what you get for your money .... http://www.youtube.c...h?v=L9FEgmvooaw
  10. Today the route was Newcastle to Leeds via York and back. I was hoping for something a little more picturesque perhaps, but wasn't disappointed by the experience as a whole. I guess it was something like travel used to be (provided you weren't travelling cattle class). All done at a leisurely pace in sumptuous surroundings. The carriages were very well appointed, inlaid mahogany, subdued lighting and with really comfortable seating. Tables had white starched linen and silver service. The meal itself was delicious and unhurried. Service was superb right from the red carpet and champagne on arrival until leaving the train. I swear they could read our minds. Altogether a very relaxing day.
  11. Morning all We're off for a 'Jolly' on the Northern Belle, which was bought for me as a birthday present earlier this month. It's just a day run out but with musicians, wining and dining etc. Wasn't sure about it when I first got it, but quite looking forward to it now. Enjoy your weekend.
  12. You should have used DAS. Anyone seen GordonS?
  13. An air drying modelling clay. It can be moulded then it dries hard over about 24 hours. It is usually available in art stores but has a load of uses in modelling. An example of stone scribing can be seen about half way down in my old thread. The station building is all DAS clay stonework. http://www.rmweb.co....=Bridge+of+Doon
  14. Sorry to hear your news DD. Only 43. Sad.
  15. Sir Mike. Do tell more. If you are back.
  16. Ruddy new fangled technology. Jam you have a PM re S&C
  17. Do they still make dymo tape - remember that plastic stuff with the machine to emboss letters on it. I have used that to scribe straight lines on curved loco nose fronts before as it can be stuck on giving a straight edge round the curves, if you see what I mean. I would try it on a bit of scrap DAS clay first just in case it pulls the clay away when you pull it off. I'm sure it will remain tacky enough to do a number of courses.
  18. If you are near Ribblehead then it is not out of the question. There are only three of four trains each way a day but there is a station at Ribblehead or you could drive to Settle, and go up as far as Appleby or even all the way to Carlisle and back. Do you want me to dig out the times? Settle itself is an interesting little town and there is an old mill on the outskirts that sells arty/crafty type things. Usually the sort of things wives/mothers like as a bribe for a ride on the S&C
  19. That would be nice. I know it may be out of your control but a ride on the Settle & Carlisle line is always something worth experiencing.
  20. I refuse, point blank, to say that you need some oinkment then
  21. We've never been ones to let sleeping hogs lie.
  22. Morning all. No-one had a bacon sandwich yet?
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