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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Fingers crossed for you DD. Remembering to push the po back under the bed will remove one possible source of wet feet.
  2. It's just started raining heavily here, but I understand that this is just the tail end of what is hitting other parts of the country. Here's hoping that everyone is Ok and that there is not too much damage.
  3. It seems funny that some managers only have a pop at the referee when their teams lose. It most be those selective spectacles they all wear. I totallly agre with S.A.C. above. Statements before the match designed to pressure the refs such as, 'He will be influenced by the crowd and favour them' should be banned completely. Let managers play their mind games with each other but to bring the ref into it is unfair.
  4. I found a card saying that I was out and I had to collect my pound coin from the nearest depot.
  5. Morning all. Perhaps we should start a 'Little bit later Risers' group for GordonS Dominik - arrange a wild party. Go on, you know you want to. Then you can take your mind off things for the rest of the week by tidying up so she won't notice.
  6. Hi Simon. I thought you would be too busy posting menus and organising breakfasts and coffe and such like.
  7. Did they still meet in the converted cellars beneath the Town Hall then?
  8. I've still got my Gilwell scarf, woggle and wood beads somewhere.
  9. Scouts or Woggles? Ah, but some of us have to do mornings.
  10. Mornings are getting much harder to do. Monday's especially so.
  11. Don't forget to ask for it back so that you can put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy. The last extraction I had resulted in the offending tooth being removed in so many small pieces I could have kept the tooth fairy busy for weeks. I'm sure the dentist was using a cold chisel and sledghammer at one point. Perhaps I shouldn't have posted this until after your appointment.
  12. I'm still gutted that Sunderland didn't get at least a deserved point yesterday. I wonder how long it is before someone with no interest in football comes along and posts Yawn or Zzzzz as usually happens with threads like this. I suppose that, if they can be bothered to waste their time doing it, who is to deny them their little pleasures.
  13. Now, now, Tony. You are just being cynical. Putting a monetary value on everything. Didn't you know the course helps develop critical thinking and debating skills and allows the students to acquire both a wide knowledge base and valuable transferable skills? Apart from that, it adds to the college's average point score and improves their position in league tables.
  14. Morning all Clear blue skies and quite cold. Will check out the frost spot later. Whatever has hapened to Simon? I knew he worked funny hours (sometimes) and often went swinging through trees and such like but he always found time to pop in and say hello.
  15. Sam has twins of her own.
  16. What happens if I click on the green box 'Click to thank this poster'? Do you receive a virtual gold star or even better a pint?
  17. Morning all Back to work today. I must admit, it took an awful lot of willpower to get up and ready this morning. The M1 is 50 today. Should we get together and buy it a present.
  18. Be careful how you lift it.
  19. Interesting photos Domink. I've posted a question about the strangish loooking green loco next to K?¶f 4290. Glad to see you seem to have a sensible balance between study and other relaxing activities. It's important to get that balance right, although I'm sure that as the exams grow closer the balance will change. Never mind, they will soon be over.
  20. Have they taken it down to the NRM itself?
  21. Welcome back, Jam. It sounds like you have had a good time. Some smashing photos there. As to the loco - I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you got up as far as the Haverthwaite and Lakeside, either that or its the Furness Loco that is at Shildon.
  22. You mean like the rocking horse that has stabled itself where the station throat and three quarters of the station should be.
  23. Unfortunately I seem to have spent the last two days just rearranging things. It looks a bit tidier but there appears to be less space than before, in spite of several trips the skip. It doesn't help that son and D-I-L have decided that parent's house is a good place to store all the 'no longer in use but keep just in case' baby things. I though that when he moved out I would be getting more space, not less.
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