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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It's called the theory of relativity. The more relatives you have the faster your money goes.
  2. Morning all Mrs S has decided that she wants me to repay my expenses for the last thirty odd years. I'll put the cheque in the post.
  3. Eight and a bit oktas here so I don't think we'll have any frost here tonight, although the car's thermometer did read 0 this morning when I went through our local frost pocket.
  4. It was the only mail I ever got. I used to look forward to it arriving.
  5. I assume you can see mine, but I can't. Mind you, I haven't been able to see mine for years.
  6. Morning all Clear but chilly here. I think it might be, but I'm not sure. Why does everybody else have shortcuts to PMs and mail under their avatar but I don't?
  7. Blimey, it's not half slow..... ...and it seems to be down more often than the old version. I hope it's just teething problems. Anyway, when I left on Saturday (and I left everything in working order I must add) I was heading off to Carlisle where I came across this ... Made my weekend it did.
  8. Ah, at last. There you all are. They tried their hardest to keep me out but I finally got through. Must go have a look round and see what's what.
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