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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Ah, someone has finally put a shilling in the meter. Thank goodness.
  2. Puns like that have always been part of ERs. It's tarditional.
  3. My mum always said I was very untardi. Always making me clean up my room she was.
  4. I've been loking for some inedible chalk. Actually the old stuff, before the anti-dust rubbish, was excellent for indigestion. Now it's all whiteboard markers, which are not good for the digestion. Definately 9 oktas here this morning. Not raining but it soaks you through anyway.
  5. The forum database did crash for a while.
  6. Has anyone discovered what the multiquote button does? I daren't click on it in case it sends something to every other member ......or completely fills the database....... or has some other drastic result. Another question - when you look at the list of active users/logged on members at the bottom of the front page do you all see yourselves as the first name on the list? It used to be in alphabetical order.
  7. Have an espresso. Are we on the other side yet or are we still on this side?
  8. It's called the theory of relativity. The more relatives you have the faster your money goes.
  9. Morning all Mrs S has decided that she wants me to repay my expenses for the last thirty odd years. I'll put the cheque in the post.
  10. Eight and a bit oktas here so I don't think we'll have any frost here tonight, although the car's thermometer did read 0 this morning when I went through our local frost pocket.
  11. It was the only mail I ever got. I used to look forward to it arriving.
  12. I assume you can see mine, but I can't. Mind you, I haven't been able to see mine for years.
  13. Morning all Clear but chilly here. I think it might be, but I'm not sure. Why does everybody else have shortcuts to PMs and mail under their avatar but I don't?
  14. Blimey, it's not half slow..... ...and it seems to be down more often than the old version. I hope it's just teething problems. Anyway, when I left on Saturday (and I left everything in working order I must add) I was heading off to Carlisle where I came across this ... Made my weekend it did.
  15. Ah, at last. There you all are. They tried their hardest to keep me out but I finally got through. Must go have a look round and see what's what.
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