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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Afternoon all from a beautifully sunny but somewhat windy Costa del Durham I had my flu jab this morning at the GP surgery. Arm a little bit sore but no big issue. When I booked by phone I asked if I could have a Covid booster and flu jab at the same time. I was told ‘yes, but covid clinics’ were Wednesdays and Fridays but were all fully booked. Still, this was only on Friday so I was pleased to take an appointment for the flu jab today. As I was leaving the surgery I asked reception if they had arranged any further covid clinics, “oh, we’ve plenty of appointments this Wednesday if you want one” they replied. Ah well, back again on Wednesday, I guess, thankful to be getting one after all.
  2. Since this is the Forum Jokes Thread after all I have a joke about trickle down economics …. … but 99% of you wouldn’t get it.
  3. Strange that, until recently, they were both powered by coal and steam.
  4. Today I’m off to my second exhibition in 3 weeks/3years* * delete either and and it would still be correct.
  5. I think you may have posted this in the wrong forum area and may get a better response elsewhere. I have reported this post to the moderators, not because there is anything wrong with it, just in order that they may decide to move it for you.
  6. Pop down to the local shop/market stall that sells all those hideous phone/tablet/iPad covers and they will probably be able to do it in 10 minutes for you.
  7. Sad news indeed. One of my ‘stories’ at the NT has gone too. Apart from our main layout, our raison d’etre, we also have a Thomas layout for children (of all ages). On the main layout one of the trains consists of 25 private owner coal wagons. When running it I would explain to visitors, in all seriousness, that ‘while next door we have Thomas, Percy, Edward and Gordon, we call this engine Robbie. ….. …. Robbie Coal Train’ . The groans could be heard for miles. R.I.P. Hagrid.
  8. Morning all I haven’t succumbed to a smart meter yet, despite repeated efforts of the energy provider to fit one. They even sent a letter, without consultation, setting a date and time for someone to come and fit one. When I cancelled it they tried to charge for the cancellation. I wasn’t too happy about that. Our electricity meter is on the wall in the hallway (our house is oldish and the rooms high) and the gas meter in a cupboard under the stairs. They used to be awkward to read but nowadays you just point your phone camera at them, click and you have a reading ready to upload. As I have said I did an extra shift at the NT because several volunteers have come down with Covid. The coffee meeting with a couple of old work colleagues today has been postponed because one, who still occasionally works as a supply teacher, has been called to a school because of the number of staff with covid has rocketed. Have a good day folks, get well soon iD
  9. That’s a pity Baz. As you know Paul usually puts a darn good show on. Strangely enough, even though we have certainly attended the same shows, I have never actually met John. So, @Two_sugars if you are reading this, wear a Pom-Pom hat and stick a red carnation in it and I will say hello.
  10. … and give the mobile phone they were using at the time to a charity. Win-win-win.
  11. Evening all Easy day had today, apart from a bit pottering and a bit reading, the only thing we did was our weekly shop. For the first time I really noticed how prices have gone up. Perhaps it has just been creeping up on me but today ‘how much’ was heard several times. An easy day because from tomorrow things get busy. Tomorrow an extra shift running trains at an NT property (might need an FEB to fortify me for the day, will decide in the morning). Friday, a meet up for coffee with a couple of ex work colleagues. Saturday, Hartlepool model railway exhibition. Sunday, usual shift at NT. Monday and Tuesday, looking after grandson when daughter and S-I-L at work (best two days of week - even with nappy changing). See what I mean @TheQ Retirement is very hard.
  12. Congratulations. You won't know how you found time to work.
  13. May I ask what sort of applications require the extremely high degree of accuracy to which you measure.
  14. a.k.a. A common cold. a.k.a. Man flu.
  15. Truly beyond comprehension. Or at least my comprehension anyway.
  16. I would bet though, that if I said guess which artist, you would probably get it in one.
  17. So … the world/country is going to hell in a handcart and possibly much worse but one of the main stories on the news is about an artist selling these non fungi token things then burning his own works of art. Is it just me?
  18. Cue the ‘Carry on ….. ‘ jokes
  19. It wasn’t a model railway exhibition was it?
  20. Afternoon all. I have spent a pleasant day driving model trains for the National Trust. I normally just ‘do’ Sundays but may do more this week as a number of the team who run the layouts have tested positive for Covid. Seems quite chilly tonight. Enjoy what’s left of your day.
  21. Morning all We never made it to the garden centre yesterday because as Dave F already mentioned it was a little damp up this way yesterday morning. Actually it lashed it down at times. By the time it brightened up my feet had somehow wended their way to the loft and, being rather attached to them, I was obliged to follow. Today I may or may not head off to Locomotion at Shildon for a muddling exhibition. I say may or may not because I was at Darlington’s show last weekend, also at another railway museum, and next week I will definitely go to Hartlepool. Always a good show. Darlington was the first exhibition I had attended in over two years. Talk about things being like buses…. Have a good day, folks. Enjoy the beer ChrisF
  22. Dear Aunty Agony Over the years I have somehow seemed to acquire an eclectic collection of locos none of which are in regular use on the layout. Today I decided to give some of them a spin only to be met by clanking, crunching and grinding sounds of varying degrees of severity. Probably just lack of use and routine maintenance but I guess they are going to need a few hours of attention before they seize completely. Trouble is, if I do that, they will probably only get put away and the same thing will happen again at some time in the future. I should probably try and flog (or even bin) some but like my books I am very loath to let any go. Is there any hope for me?
  23. Morning all A good day was had yesterday made especially so by a visit from the grandson bearing a cake. He is 17 months old already. Where does the time go? I think today might involve a trip to source some autumn/winter bedding plants. We don’t have a garden but an area that is well planted with containers and other features. It is our ‘Yarden’. Container gardening is a skill/art in itself so I may save some work and treat us to a pre-planted container or two. Not something I would normally do but maybe a late present to myself. I too miss @chrisf’s morning roundup. Have a great day people
  24. An altogether easy thing to do I have found. As it’s my birthday I am pushing the boat out and sitting here with a nice glass of red from the ‘pope’s new castle’. Valerie knows how to spoil me. There may well be not much left of the bottle before the night is over. Well, it is only once a year.
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