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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I think you need to see your opt-ice-ian. He'll say "Can ewe read this?" These are getting cornea
  2. Smashing Mike - daddy's pride and joy. I see she's practising writing ministers' speeches already.
  3. What with all this talk of trains you would think this site had some sort of connection with railways. C'mon lads. Get a grip.
  4. Why does SWMBO want to spend a fortune on christmas lights that flash and flicker when our thirty year old ones can already do that? .....just before they blow the fuse.
  5. If Jam is on his way back from college is he re-cycling?
  6. You want our sister thread. Earlier Early Risers. Although you should get on with Don. He doesn't get up that early but lives in S.A.
  7. You won't have long to wait as you are running late and the Inverness train is on time. Got your running spikes with you? Or does Scotrail still hold connections as they all used to in the olde days?
  8. Is that the vein that Dominik has been digging for.
  9. If you can't tell the differenece you need to go to a tup aware party.
  10. Morning all -2C here when I took my good lady to work. I'm sure that there is some physical explaination as to why cans of de-icer feel several degrees colder than that. I had to have a cup of coffee to defrost my hands.
  11. It works too. I've never seen a dog with its thumb out asking for a lift.
  12. I've just driven through the Tyne Tunnel and it was raining in there too.
  13. I'd be more worried about the wind, it's obviously blown your roof off.
  14. I hope this punning isn't going to become a long and protractored affair.
  15. Now you're just heading of on a tangent.
  16. Morning all Re: the electrical overload. I'm not sure of the finer details John. There is a huge building program going on at school with some 'blocks' closed off ready for refurb or demolition, many temporary buildings and a whole new buiding going up. I think that in disconnecting some areas and adding others, including supplies for the builders, they got the balance wrong between the three phase supplies. One was drawing 360A but the other two were something like 210A and 90A!! I don't think individual cabling came into it - just bad maths. Given that they've already cut the phones four times and the water twice, I'm not really surprised.
  17. Congratulations Dominik. Well done Better than a Desmond.
  18. ....except for that final. I do hoever think that that was the exception rather than the rule. He doesn't seem very good with the mind games either. Whilst such mind games shouldn't really have a place in football they do.
  19. Update: There is still the smell of overheating electric bits coming from the switchgear room. They have solved the problem by putting an air freshener in there.
  20. Very white in the local frost spot this morning. We have electrical problems at work, mainly (ha ha) involving pulling 360A through a 300A rated distribution box, so the heating has been off. It's buddy cold.
  21. I'm afraid that, due to the data protection act, I am unable to discuss any of the banking posts with you. Good luck Dominik, although again, I'm sure you will do just fine without the need for luck.
  22. Why didn't the South African rugby team call themselves The Dassies instead of The Springboks? It might have changed the whole balance of world rugby.
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