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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Keep them carefully in the freezer and then you can enjoy them again in August.
  2. Warning: The following post may contain a rant. We had about 3-4 inches of snow last night which fell on snow that had already compacted and turned to ice. It was treacherous when I picked Mrs S up from work. I had great difficulty parking when I got back as the car was slipping all over the place. I have just 'dug' the car out and it is -3 out there. It hasnt given all day. The side roads are atrocious, like sheets of ice, and the main roads are not much better and are clogged. The major road near us, the A19 was gridlocked last night with people calling at the local inn to look for rooms (no joke intended). Some of the regulars ended up putting people up for the night. <rant> In all of this we have not seen hide nor hair of a gritter. We have a steep bank near us, the police are letting cars up and down one at a time - more gridlock. Why am I paying my rates? Can't the police pull rank and tell the local council to get off their fat arses and do something, weekend or not? It's not like it wasn't forecast. </rant over> It hasn't got any warmer, the roads are just as bad, but I feel a little better for that.
  3. DD: How do you know it's not just the sheep again?
  4. It's happened. As expected.
  5. 7 o'clock tonight isn't it?
  6. Anyone else thinking that Benitez's statement saying that he guarantees fourth place was, at best, unwise.
  7. I'd prefer the trip North. Less stressful.
  8. Morning all Sky cleared after last nights snow so everything very crisp this morning. Great walk this morning, very bracing. Mike: Have a safe journey. Dave: Hope your 'Fuzzy Friday' wasn't too bad. DD: don't try it without a safety net.
  9. Tis snowing very heavily here, proper thick stuff too. And it wasn't forecast for tonight. Hope Mike made it down with the little 'un Ok.
  10. ERs have always been a good source of hot air.
  11. No. It's an old photo of me painting the ceiling.
  12. I've just been for a walk. It's not particularly cold..... out of the wind, but, strewth, that wind is bitingly cold and driving the snow horizontally. Fortunately it's keeping the roads clear but it must be piling up somewhere. Perhaps Tony_S's.
  13. Do you have any lieu days this Christmas Gordon, or are you working right through?
  14. You should have just arranged them as DD did his angels and cherubs. Very Christmassy Partyish (so i've been told)
  15. A bit hail this morning leaving everything lightly covered with little silver balls but all melted in five minutes. According to the forecast those south of us are going to get more snow than we are. Morning all. Have a good day.
  16. C'mon ..... ....tell us how you do it.
  17. Near Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire ..... ....now can I remember how to post the pictures.
  18. I had to replace the pram wheels on my bogey cart after about 500 runs down the local hill. They didn't cost much at all.
  19. Perhaps they were trying to get in touch with the elephants. Sky full of very leaky oktas here.
  20. Give them a trunk call then.
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