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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I’m away for a few days and so may not be up to date with ERs or even life in general. I will try to catch up on return. Where are you? I here you ask. Or perhaps not. Here’s a clue anyway …
  2. Tony, please wish Aditi many happy returns from Oop North.
  3. Nope, but my sprouts are well on the way.
  4. I appreciate that you don’t what to significantly modify the 4TC but how much of it is ‘bridging the gap’? If it is just one set of wheels or one bogie could you somehow isolate those pickups. You say it has pickups on all other wheels and, after all, pickups get ‘isolated’ all the time when we don’t want them too.
  5. Or use a proscenium arch for its proper purpose and hang curtains from it. At the end of a movement, close the front of house tabs (curtains), make the necessary changes and then open the curtains for the next scene. Playing an intermezzo or singing something is optional. Sorted.
  6. I’m off to watch Falcons play Bath tomorrow - which somehow expands to fill most of the day - and then on Sunday is the last day of the year volunteering at the NT so I will miss most of it. A pity as there look to be some good games.
  7. Is it just me? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-63488059
  8. You can’t all be members of the flat earth society.
  9. A cracker joke is not just for Christmas.
  10. What are the winning numbers in tomorrow night’s lottery?
  11. One issue with the Lima chassis might be pickups. I seem to remember they pick up current from just one side on one bogie and from the opposite side on the other bogie. It is possible to add extra pickups but be very careful and check for continuity and shorts as you do this before you connect the decoder which would have to be hard wired to the pickups. The motor is part of one bogie but if you don’t connect it to the decoder and remove some of the gears the bogie should freewheel. The alternative as I implied earlier is to leave the motor as is and consist the two locos. If you disconnect the motor you would have problems reading or programming the decoder as a ‘load’ is needed. Adding a resistor or putting on the programming track with another loco solves this. The class 47 body would not be DCC ready. It is the chassis that is DCC ready. You would have to see what the body includes when you buy it. If the LEDs are there you would need to see how they originally connected to the chassis’ onboard circuit board/decoder. It may involve soldering various connections between the LEDs and the outputs from the decoder. It certainly won’t be just ‘plug and play’. You would not be able to work out what to do until you have the body in front of you. If the body has no LEDs it is possible to buy and fit them yourself. Not a particularly difficult task but involves drilling the ‘plastic lights’ out and ensuring you have suitable LEDs. Hope this gives you some idea of what might be involved.
  12. Wayhey. Something we can beat Australia at. Stick that in your kangaroo’s pouch and smoke it.
  13. Lady to uniformed gentleman on railway station: My word sir, what a very long compensator you have.
  14. Afternoon all 15cm short of five way point rodding runs. Curdyturses!! How did that happen? Still, I've got plenty of parts and compared to some woes on here it is a very minor inconvenience. Look after yourselves and my thoughts are with those who need them.
  15. I did once suggest that the dining room at work should sell alcohol, but the school dinner ladies said that there was enough mess as it was.
  16. It is possible to fit sound and lights to a ‘dummy’ loco. However, the method depends very much on the loco with which you are starting. Does it already have LED. Lights fitted? Is it DCC ready? The work involved could range from having to fit LEDs yourself and hard wiring a decoder to simply fitting a speaker and sound decoder to a DCC ready loco. You do say that that the 47 would be unpowered but it would help answer your question if you could tell us which loco would be your starting point.
  17. Being ever the pessimist I tried to source some candles online. It seems nowadays that it isn’t possible to buy candles that are not; a) scented b) strangely coloured c) in glass jars or tins d) lit by LEDs e) for use by nuns I mean in church. The hunt continues.
  18. Happy anniversary to the JJBs
  19. Can I be minister for silly walks?
  20. Devote yourself to working hard, work lots of overtime, do your best for the company and …. … your boss will be able to go into space again.
  21. @Barry O may the luck be with you too!!!!
  22. Afternoon all Point rodding. I may will be some time. Thats all.
  23. Good news Ian. Hope it stays that way and Sherry continues to make good progress.
  24. There aren't many recovered tanks there. On the national rail website the date for the line re-opening seems to be a (very) movable feast. Recently it was saying next Monday but now is saying closed until further notice as they do not have 'a robust estimate' for the line to reopen.
  25. When something goes wrong, someone, somewhere will try to remedy the situation by issuing ‘strict guidelines’.
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