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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Well, after all the angst over blood test results and various tests, they have decided that I have quite severe vitamin D deficiency and have I been prescribed two vitamin D supplement tablets a week for 7 weeks. Obviously such things are available over the counter but the G.P. said he would prescribe something of greater strength than generally available. He seems to think this could possibly help with the breathing issues. We shall see.
  2. We had a similar arrangement through an organisation called ‘Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation’. Its catalogue was very thick, of considerable weight and covered just about everything that you would ever need to purchase. You could tell when the budget had become available because H.O.D.s listed heavily to one side or the other depending on which hand they were carrying the catalogue. This was when all schools were Local Education Authority controlled and under no circumstances could you purchase from elsewhere. The only exception were computer consumables which were purchased, like yours I assume, from the LEA ‘microtechnology centre’.
  3. I’d best remember to go out and practice my archery on Sunday then. Probably no good asking Mrs @New Haven Neil for tips as it has to be with my longbow. Now where did I leave it.
  4. It came free with Gardeners world?
  5. Being a practising skinflint I would baulk at spending a whole Deltic so, like other currencies, we need a suitable subdivision. Centideltic doesn’t sound right so can I ask my learned friends … 1 Deltic = 100 what?
  6. The Kent Estuary from Arnside …. and the warning sign You are advised not to cross the Estuary (or indeed any part of Morecambe Bay) without a guide and there is an officially appointed King’s Guide to the Sands. There used to be a pub called The Guide over Sands in Allerthwaite although I’m sure it has closed now.
  7. Afternoon all Feeling a bit low today. No particular reason. Just lots of niggling little things. Most recent blood tests weren't the best - mostly self inflicted. At least I can do something about that and indeed started immediately after Xmas and new year which was one of the main culprits. I must remember that being a sensible diabetic is for life and not just when I want to be. I get breathless very easily too - ECG and chest x-ray were ok so I have been referred to a long covid clinic for that one. However this means that instead of walking a couple or few miles each day I can barely manage a few hundred yards before I need to stop frequently. I used to enjoy the walks so really miss that - and they also had the bonus of helping with the sugar levels. Valerie's broken foot is stopping us doing some of the things we would normally enjoy doing. She doesn't really feel up to doing much or going out and I'm making sure that she rests it as much as possible. It goes without saying that I don't mind that and I did most of the cooking and big stuff anyway but it's all of the other little tasks which you don't really notice when they are shared. I think I need a little retail therapy, a new loco or book might help, or I could work my way through my whisky collection - only 139 to do. Don't worry I won't do that. Not in just one evening anyway. Sorry about that, just needed to offload a bit.
  8. Many happy returns to our archer on the rock.
  9. Jamie: He was as drunk as a Judge. Judge: You mean drunk as a Lord. Jamie: Yes, sorry m’ lord.
  10. J114 brought Father Ted to mind straight away. Small….. Far Away……
  11. Ah, but was it just ‘careless and not deliberate’.
  12. I see from the banner that we may lose RMweb for a time for a software update. I hope it goes smoothly, that AndyY doesn’t have call to tear out more non existent hair, and that we all make it safely to the other side with our photos and other attachments intact.
  13. Evening all. Something along the lines of the G.P./N.H.S discussions of late…. We were babysitting our grandson today and I took him out for a walk. Not far, he’s not two so doesn’t do far yet. Within two or three hundred yards I saw three vans from three different pharmacies delivering, I guess, prescriptions. All three were delivering to the same couple of streets. I know there will be all sorts of ‘organisational’ reasons for this arrangement but I thought what a farce, wasteful of time and money. Non of the vehicles were electric either. Surely they could/should come up with a better system than this.
  14. That is very impressive. Another D’oh type question if I may. How much of that can be seen through the telescope using a Mk1 eyeball and how much is due to your stacking software.
  15. You bought yourself a pet Eeeeeeeek-er Dionka-er but stood on it.
  16. Afternoon all. Valerie’s foot showed a lot more bruising this morning (along the side not sole, Neil) so back onto 111 this time online. A nurse from the local Community Hospital (which does now have a minor injuries unit, Tony) phoned back ten minutes later at 10.50 and made an appointment for 11.30, which was realistically as soon as we could get there. Walked into hospital at 11.28 seen at 11.30, x-rayed, fracture confirmed, moon boot fitted and there will be a follow up appointment with fracture clinic arranged. All this done and out in forty five minutes !! Thankfully it doesn’t appear to be a particularly nasty break. Enjoy the rest of your day folks.
  17. Interesting. I don’t recall seeing them in photographs of moving freight trains (or many of the 16t minerals for that matter). Having said that is it not true that apart from Glen Douglas the vast majority of freight is photographed north of Tyndrum
  18. I'm proud to say that I have very few unbuilt kits. Most of them are all half finished.
  19. Im guessing, from the photographs I have seen, that they would go to and from Fort William in one of the regular freight trains and then be tagged onto a passenger train to Mallaig
  20. It was a pure coincidence that I had just been checking something else in Longworth’s Mk1 & Mk2 coaching stock book when I read your post. Now if I could identify the 37 then that would be impressive …
  21. The closest thing we have to that is a 'Community Hospital' which doesn't serve the community at weekends. Other than that the nearest to use is a full blown A&E dept. It might be worth considering going now before the Sunderland- Middlesbrough local football derby finishes.
  22. No bruising on the sole but a later inspection revealed some swelling and now a not bad but definitely noticeable bruising to the top of the foot. 111 was contacted and she was told to take paracetamol, elevate the foot and put a tubular bandage on if we have one. We will give that a try but if the swelling, bruising or pain worsens I think a call back to 111 or visit to A&E might be in order.
  23. The temperature must have risen a bit here. No sun though. We woke up to a very heavy frost, the sort heavy enough to think, at first, that it might have snowed. Within the last half hour or so it has completely gone where as yesterday, out of the sun, it didn’t give all day. Today may be interesting. Yesterday Valerie slipped on the bottom two stairs and has in some way damaged her foot. There is no swelling or bruising but it was too painful to put much weight on. This morning there is still no visible signs but the pain is much worse. We are considering what action to take. A&E? It doesn’t seem bad enough for that. G.P. tomorrow? You are having a laugh. 111? We’ve no experience of it, one way or another, so that might be the way forward. On the other hand it sounds as if It might be best if I just drove 40 minutes up the A19 and went to DaveF’s local hospital. Have a good Sunday.
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