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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Oh no - not the elephant jokes. Didn't we do them about two and a half years ago?
  2. ....and that children is how the fairy ended .......
  3. Morning all It felt quite mild this morning with the car's themometer reading 5.5C. Have a good day all.
  4. I think all the animals in the world should get together and film David Attenborough mating.
  5. Your'e all Tolkein a load of rubbish.
  6. Mmm..... wonder who Sir Alex is going to hit out against this time.
  7. Same old story for Sunderland ...
  8. Sounds like your wallet amd Mrs_S are both very happy. It could have been worse.
  9. Morning all That sounds cosy Gordon. How about throwing bacon and eggs on there too.
  10. Morning all I have a Xmas tree with a serious attitude problem. According to the box it is 'frosty with balls' Don't you have a formal ceremony Dominik?
  11. Let's hope it's not a knightly event.
  12. ..and, according to some reports, eating young red squirrels. I managed to get up to the Loch of the Lowes during last year's breeding season and caught sight of the opsreys. Fantastic.
  13. Looks more like a squirrel to me.
  14. I am 70 and look it! If that's you, you certainly do - you look quite grumpy too.
  15. Is that somewhere she has gone or something that she is doing? If you tell her I said that I will deny it.
  16. I'm sure you could apply for a grant for the dis-sabled.
  17. That must have been one heck of a thin brush.
  18. At least that suggests he has admitted fault Mick, or was that never the issue?
  19. Yeh, and let's have some proper balls with laces.
  20. Were South Africa amongst the top seeds because they are good or is it a privilige normally extended to the host nation?
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