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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I like the church DD. Makes a change from the obligatory wedding party outside. Perhaps they are round the back. having a fag.
  2. ...or just mistake it for another sheep.
  3. He should have gone by dog.
  4. Thaw? It's still like a ruddy skating rink out there. The dog has just dragged me for a walk. I didn't have to move my feet at all - just stood still and kept shouting mush, mush.
  5. Merry Christmas one and all. I was a bit disappointed this year. All I got was a postcard through the door saying "Sorry, but you were out when we called ....."
  6. Heating and hot water back to normal. Phew - thats a relief.
  7. Morning all Be careful not to mix up mother-in laws and lizards. Could make for an uncomfortable 2010.
  8. [moan] Sunderland's Michael Turner appealed against his red card. The FA decided not to allow the appeal, fair enough, but then stuck an extra games ban on for, according to them, wasting their time. By all means make Sundeland foot the bill, but what fair justice system penalises someone for appealing against something? Oops. Mentioned fair, justice and FA in the same breath. Silly me. [/moan]
  9. Is that a fiddle yard or an aircraft carrier?
  10. Sound ideas gents - I was comptemplating (in an indecisive sort of way) undertaking a small, achievable project that would get me going again.
  11. I wish I knew jam .... I really wish I knew. I had decided on a roundy roundy type layout for the loft but now I've just looked at the Dudley Road and Peter's Street thread and ......... Like I said above.
  12. I wish I could set myself modelling targets and achieve them. I used to be indecisive ... now I'm not too sure.
  13. -22C That's cold. Actually when we went out earlier we both said it doesn't feel cold this morning. It was -0.5C. Just goes to show how relative it all is. After the last few days we thought this almost balmy.
  14. Can I swear a lot. The combi boiler has just stopped working. No heating or water. Good news - the repairperson can come out on Christmas Eve. Bad news - the last 8 repairs (yes 8!!) couldn't be done on the day of the original callout and needed a return visit a few days later with the appropriate part. Gordon - we're all on our way to share your woodburner. We do have a frozen turkey we could bring. It was fresh and unfrozen when we got it. Although scrap that - we wouldn't get through the snow. I'm starting to rabbit.....
  15. Classic Fm have just played a dedication to all travellers who are stuck or delayed at the moment. Their choice? "In the bleak mid-winter" Ouch.
  16. If you get an e-mail about it, just ignore it. It's spam.
  17. Let's have nun of that here please.
  18. Tony: Did you tell the bankers to watch Mary Poppins? All the best to you too, Andy.
  19. I like that, Sort of sums things up these days. I wonder, like many others I'm sure, just how long it will be before a big(ish) club goes to the wall or ends up in serious difficulty. This silly money can't go on forever ..... can it?
  20. By that's an early one for you, these days Gordon. I've just done the first 'workers' run. Clear skies, no further snow, but -6C. Took a while to de-ice things and then I had to clear the car too. Morning all.
  21. So they did achieve their ambition of becoming the Man Utd of the south then.
  22. Have just taken the family to different places of work. Neither of them like driving in snow. Roads still a bit iffy. Strange morning. 5 minutes ago I was watching a beautiful sunrise turn the lying snow and rooftops red. Now it's snowing again. Off to read the paper, have breakfast and hopefully later will do some modelling or plan layout. Any chance of building some some of your wonderful boards Gordon and popping them in the post?
  23. You've got me there Don. Apart from a hotel chain and a geezer from Brazil, what is a Dom Pedro?
  24. Morning all I've been told I need some festive spirit. Any one got a surfeit?
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