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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I thought it was spelt 'peke'
  2. Have they announced the hosepipe ban yet?
  3. I think it's just another issue that Andy is having a fight with at the moment.
  4. I see that Torres is out for six weeks and Gerrard and Benayoun are out for two or three weeks. This might tell us something about the squad - although probably nothing that we don't already know.
  5. I've just realised that I'm on RMweb and it's 7:00 pm. That hasn't been possible for a while. I won't risk saying that it looks like the problem is solved though. Tony keep away from the buttons!
  6. The Winter Olympics may be in trouble. Lack of snow in Vancouver.
  7. Can any one remember when ERs was a happy-go-lucky sort of place? It must be the January blues. On a lighter note - it stayed idark and grey all day here yesterday. Had to scrape frozen snow this morning.
  8. I told you not to have that extra glass of wine. Morning all
  9. I wish I lived closer then I could choose not to be there.
  10. Some politicians were ...... don't forget it's an election year here. Yes, only 5 months and the nights start drawing in again.
  11. Morning all Looks like the Internet Provider has decided to ration RMweb. Are we running short too?
  12. I see the the government is rationing salt stocks. Why? Are they saving some for when it isn't cold and icy?
  13. Perhaps it can't get up the hill. Have you gritted the roads?
  14. Morning all. All we have left are large areas of ice where the snow was compacted and hasn't yet melted. Much worse for walking and driving than crisp snow.
  15. I don't know what it's like where you folks are, but our forecast was totally wrong. We have had a massive thaw today and most of the (deep) snow that was lying everywhere yesterday has gone. My grandson is really upset because his snowman, that we built only yesterday, has gone. I think I'll give up checking the forecast and just take what comes. Anyone want to buy 5 loaves, 6 litres of milk, 4 tubs of salt and 24 toilet rolls.
  16. I'd just assumed that we were talking about Kormat
  17. What is that strange colour around the church and graves? I seem to remember it from the dim distant past but can't quite put a name to it.
  18. I don't think we were lucky Don. We just timed our collapse to keep interest right to the end. Very considerate of them, really.
  19. ...... I suppose we should add "Very unlucky Don". Shouldn't we?
  20. Does that mean England have won a draw? Never in doubt really. All is forgiven Mike. -5C at 3 o'clock this afternoon. It's the first time I've had to scrape ice from the inside of my windscreen at that time of the afternoon.
  21. Oh no? With a statement like that? I hope your committee subjected you to the third degree, I really do.
  22. Well done Mrs DD. It's good to see community spirit and people pulling together when needs must. I bet Sam is feeling a bit chilly.
  23. I'd stick with the trains if I were you.
  24. Whenever have bosses made sense? Once more into the breach ... Have a good day folks.
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