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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Eleven months today and it will be Christmas day.
  2. Ever the optimist. It's snowing here. Only light showers, but definitely snow.
  3. I didn't know you could do Arthur Askey impressions DD.
  4. Does this mean that a Hummer driver is a hummeroid? I suppose it also means that when they crash they could cause a pile up.
  5. Morning all I see that nice, cheerful, talented, British chappie is through to the next round of the Australian open.
  6. Did you forget to turn the volume up for the last question?
  7. They seem to be in a rut, or perhaps they always walk in a roe.
  8. ...... but nose doesn't rhyme with grass.
  9. Morning all. I went to he doctor and told him I was feeling blue. He said it was just a pigment of my imagination.
  10. Talking of which, we used to have a Rev. attached to our Scout District. Great bloke, his appetite was famed. You could be cooking out in the middle of nowhere, be ready to serve, look around, and there would be no-one within 100yds. Lift a burger off the fire and he would be there, at your elbow with his plate. He used to do this to every troop camping, at every meal, too. Anyway, he was always referred to as 'Your Vicarage'. He eventually got used to it and answered to it.
  11. This might help Jam: You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are two men called umpires who stay all out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out. When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!
  12. Morning all Was at a funeral yesterday officiated by the Bishop of Durham. He didn't look too impressed when I addressed him as 'Your Bishoprick". What are they called?
  13. If everyone's claims are to be believed it is going to be very crowded in there.
  14. I don't know for sure but I am guessing that the fix involved photoshopping it back again.
  15. ......sometimes http://shipitontheside.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/mistake-bridge.jpg
  16. I used to enjoy watching the Phil Silvers Show when I was younger
  17. I don't think anybody likes it - they have a great set of fans. but ... Isn't it the case, sadly, that some of Portsmouth's debts were to other clubs and it didn't appear that they could service them whilst, as already mentioned, Man U et. al.'s debts are mainly negotiated interest payments which they are, at the moment, managing to service.
  18. I remember a couple of years ago I was bombing along a cycle track (well it was downhill and there was a following wind) when a weasel decided to dart across. Straight under my wheel and not a thing I could do about it. The odds against it getting the timing just right for that to happen must be astronomical. I was, obviously, very downcast, for the rest of the ride.
  19. You can tell the difference quite weasely
  20. I don't know, not many go away from home, score two and still lose. We must be considered unlucky.
  21. He has certainly done it a phew times.
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