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Everything posted by BoD

  1. How very convenient if ever you need to change a fuse. I do hope that they’ve kept themselves up to date with current regulations.
  2. I never had any such problem even when the lump sum went in. It seems strange that a bank doesn’t know of these organisations. Or perhaps it knows something about the Teacher’s Pensions and the Government’s Dept of Work and Pensions that we don’t.
  3. You changed it to Johann Sebastian?
  4. Ah yes, the only things known to man than can rattle your trouser legs* in the same way as standing next to a Deltic as it pulls away can. Both are wonderful. *I guess it will be the same for skirts. I’ve never tried.
  5. Remembering Don, a regular of ERs from the earliest days, and other ERs who are no longer with us.
  6. Direct Debit. A regular payment set up between your bank account and another account, usually a recurring bill like phone gas or electric or a subscription like Word of Railways, Office 365 etc. A direct debit is an agreement that allows the other party to vary the amount they take hence the talk of the monthly DD increasing.
  7. Evening all. I have just returned from a very pleasant afternoon spent with my daughter - a belated birthday present. A light lunch (light? I was well stuffed) followed by seeing a performance of Les Miserables. I very much like Les Mis and today’s production was absolutely superb. I think I’ve got a nice bottle of Sicilian red somewhere so I may will have a glass of that to end a wonderful day. Enjoy your evenings folks
  8. So that’s how you get your fun in Australia.
  9. I’m sure you will be able to copyright it as all your very own.
  10. I can’t do the POL bit but I can certainly do plenty of the AC bit. Does that count?
  11. I hope @tigerburnie is a good swimmer. Seriously though, I hope he is keeping safe up there. The same goes for any other ERs suffering from the current dampness.
  12. This morning Valerie declared that I need to bring the Christmas cards down from the loft. That's the ones we didn't use last year because we had too many plus the ones she bought in the post Christmas sell off last year. Having said that, we always try to go into an RNLI shop when we are away from home and I will buy Christmas cards there too. She followed this up with "and we are going shopping this afternoon". Well there's the reast of my day spoken for ... and all this after she spends two hours getting her 'nails done'. I wonder what colour they will be this month.
  13. Ageing is a strange thing. I don’t know how it affects others but I don’t feel as if I am ageing at all - I feel as if I am the same as I have always been. Until I try to do something silly that is. But it’s strange, other than the number of candles on the cake, in my mind, I don’t feel I am getting any older. I’m sure that there have been studies done into the psychology of this. @iL Dottore will know. Regarding train seats, just the other week I stood to offer and older person my seat (it’s the way I was brought up) and Valerie said “sit down you fool, they are younger than you”. It appears that now I am the old person. I didn’t speak to her for the rest of the day, by the way.
  14. PC Dixon will be spinning in his grave.
  15. You know that in a recent post you said ‘and I thought we were friends’ ? Well I can assure we that we are. Now, if I send you my address ….
  16. Evening all I have spent most of today playing with our grandson. The ‘family’ were away for a few days and then we were away. We haven’t seen him for a fortnight and boy, we missed him. We have him for the next two days whilst both parents are at work, again something we really look forward to. This week’s big conundrum though, is for long to invest an ISA that is due to mature? Interest rates are as good as I remember them so do I invest at a higher rate for longer or do I invest for only a year, say, at a lower rate and hope the rates are higher again at the end of that year. I guess anyone who can successfully forecast things like that would be quite rich by now. I suppose it selfish of me wishing higher interest rates now that I am a saver rather than a borrower.
  17. Every Toby Carvery breakfast comes with a free Peppa Pig Jigsaw.
  18. It’s just as well you aren’t paying a lot for this software or relying on it to carry out critical tasks controlling your layout.
  19. Humankind over time has invented many things, with each new group of scientists and engineers learning from and being more educated and more productive than the generation before, their inventions being quite unimaginable to those gone before. This incredible pace of development over centuries of effort and hard work has finally led to … the selfie stick.
  20. Just imagine though, if you bought tickets with the same numbers rather than lucky dip, forgot one week, and … … ouch. Sorry to hear of your various trials and tribulations. Hang on in there.
  21. You mean you were once out of idiot mode?
  22. Funnily enough I've just passed Ardlui Station. Crianlarich was busy with a couple of track machines in. Sadly weather this week not suitable at all for photos for backscene. Still, it’s an excuse to come back again.
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