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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I hope the patient comes through the operation ok. Just in case it doesn't though ...... it's been nice knowing you guys.
  2. Just as well if your many visitors are all over 14 stone ... or was that the bed..... or both.
  3. How is it going? Sofa So good? Be careful how you couch your reply.
  4. Our surgery is up-to-date. All of their missives/calls for patients appear as scrolling messages on a large LED display board. Someone has obviously been trained in its use because the messages scroll up and down as well as right to left. <Spike Milligan voice> I think I've come down with a severe attack of the scrolls, doctor </Spike milloigan voice> Bring back the bells with the little waving numbered tags is all I can say. I don't even want to try to understand the new contract system that means doctors who have worked together for years now find it better (more financially attractive?) to work as seperate practices under the same roof.
  5. I use the Print Screen key (PrtSc) to copy and paste the area into an image editing program where I can crop and resize the image. Paint can do the job for you. I think you can crop, resize and save the image there.
  6. I think I'll just skate over the puns. Aren't doctor's waiting rooms boring once you've read the messages inviting you for a smear or chlamydia test or telling you about the missed appointment statistics that appear between the calls for 'So and so to room 7 please'.
  7. Morning all Clear blue skies here, not an okta in sight. I'm off to the doctors this morning to see about my hearing (eh?) I haven't been to the doctors for a long time. I believe there is a new fangled appointment system rather than just sitting on benches waiting your turn. What is the procedure?
  8. I notice that there's a thread entitled "Name that place" A spelling mistake surely.
  9. P.s. .... if you do see any features it means that your screen or spectacles are in need of a clean.
  10. I don't think I've ever seen totally featureless Oktas before, but that is what we have this morning. The batteries in my camera are flat otherwise I would take a photo. I've painted you a picture instead.....
  11. Is that the proverbial whimper rather than the bang.
  12. Morning all Still dark here, but I don't care. No work today. Now where did she put that blasted list?
  13. Yes, it does rather make a mocha-ry of it.
  14. Morning all Don't Sundays feel like a much nicer day when you know you aren't going to work on Monday? Completely different. (No need for you to reply to this Gordon)
  15. All these Antics are starting to give me Harburn.
  16. Really? I thought you would be talking Mainly Trains.
  17. ...and so was that. Go away Far-ish away.
  18. One can get too much of a good thing. It's about time all this punning was Ratio-ned
  19. I can't remember the last time I was at the cinema. I think it was either Blazing Saddles or '10' with Bo Derek. I can remember, however, the last time it snowed.
  20. I'd used it to make the Austrian wine go further when we had friends round last weekend.
  21. Morning all Minus something or other here too. No snow though. No frost on the car either, then I made the mistake of using the screenwash when I got going. Oops. Where did everything disappear too? Had to pull in pretty quick and de-ice. Managed without the AA or drugs.
  22. Good news (Mrs S home) and good news (car). I have a family membership of the AA with all the bells and whistles. It is quite expensive and, touch wood, we haven't had to use them, but it is worth it just for the peace of mind it gives when ny daughter is out in her car. I don't think they do Mac hard drives though.
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