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Everything posted by BoD

  1. What always puzzles me is that they say March 21st is the first day of Spring, yet June 21st is Midsummer's day. Perhaps this explains why Autumn and Winter are so long.
  2. Morning all Quite mild this morning and double figures forecast. Are we standing at the corner of Spring?
  3. On the line to Stranraer in the middle of nowhere
  4. Well that's done. I have thought about getting the bike out. Now I can get back to the TV and an afternoon of sport.
  5. Morning all Beautiful day here today, almost warm. I think it's time to come out of semi-hibernation, get the bike out of storage and service it. Fair weather cyclist? Moi? Yep.
  6. Morning all Eight featureless oktas here this morning. Severely leaky oktas too. Normal service has been resumed.
  7. Perhaps they are pining for home.
  8. How about 'The Whittering Bloater'. Morning all
  9. Carry a daffodil and a leek then you won't stand out in the crowd. I was going to suggest taking a sheep too, but we aren't allowed to say that.
  10. She's had an eventful few weeks. Can you call the AA out to fix her?
  11. Morning all Looks like the car still needs de-icing so not as tropical as the rest of you are enjoying.
  12. Pollacks (or should that be Colins)
  13. Morning all Sun is glinting on the heavy frost again. I've seen photos of this year's snowdrops and crocuses - but none in the flesh yet.
  14. This mitre go on for some time. As an aside, I have just watched a Homebase advert in which they re-decorate and furnish the platforms at Carlisle station. An interesting idea for an advert. Any one know how long this has been doing the rounds?
  15. The problem is plane to see. Once solved you will feel like dancing a jig.
  16. Perhaps she just cant hack saws.
  17. We did get a sympathetic ear, eventually. We had to threaten to take this account (and other larger accounts) elsewhere to get a manager with a sympathetic ear involved. My wife's name is on the account and this was recorded on paper records in the branch. It was not recorded anywhere else. Once this became known, charges were waived. As they say - result. But still one fairly upset and worried M-i-L
  18. How does one deal with banks these days? My wife handles her mother's affairs as she is eighty odd and at times isn't fully aware of what is going on. Last week she got a letter saying that M-i-L's current account, used only for direct debits and bills, was overdrawn by £2.10. Usual silly charges being applied. Our fault as my wife hadn't transfered money over from savings account over the Christmas period. My wife phoned up to transfer funds. M-i-L answered a few security questions and then passed phone over to my wife to issue instructions. Problem solved? Not likely. Another letter this morning saying bank had refused to transfer funds as they felt there may be some fraud going on. For goodness sake, it was a sum of £300 from a savings account into a current account - a transaction that has been carried out every other month for the last several years. All this time the bank has been adding extra silly charges each day - and charging for these letters. We feel so angry and frustrated.
  19. Morning all Gray and damp here. I have just finished marking a set of exam papers - only another five to go. Then six sets of reports, all to be done over the next week or so. Has any one got any midnight oil to spare?
  20. Don't forget folks, last Tuesday was National Procrastination Day
  21. Tony - My deepest sympathy, to you, your brother and your families.
  22. Morning all Very heavy white frost here too, with clear blue skies. The lighter mornings seem to have appeared suddenly this year rather than creeping up on us. Perhaps it is because, up to now, it has been dark and grey, even at midday. Another 14 weeks or so and the mornings start drawing in again.
  23. Yes. Thankfully one of the buses was empty and the other was quite empty. One of he drivers is dead and the other critical so they may never fully findout what happened.
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