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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Beautiful morning here in the North East. I am sitting back enjoying the contryside whiz past.
  2. Certainly makes me appreciate the earlier BR coaches with large windows allowing you to sit back and watch the landscape go by. It's a good job you are going away - you've just used up your bandwidth allocation for the month.
  3. Morning all. Is this your last day with us for while Don? Enjoy your holiday.
  4. They even provide the hammer Don.
  5. ......from across the road of course.
  6. I'm staggered that you could suggest such a thing.
  7. Probably something they will regret - with hindsight. Glad to see you're bucking the trend and avoiding redundancy though.
  8. When you are the one who decides what to filter or not it always helps.
  9. Morning all. Dull and leaky here. The weather isn't too good either. Don: BE MORE SPARSE: STOP: ENJOY HOLS: STOP
  10. It had bumps on the top of its head so it might well have been one of Gordon's anyway.
  11. Blimey - from the shouts and squeals from SWMBO and daughter (who also must be obeyed) I thought there must have been at least a murder committed downstairs. Much worse, according to them. It was a wasp. I know the temperature reached double figures today but it still seems a bit strange.
  12. I believed you until I came to the bit that said BMW.
  13. Morning all Clear blue skies. Looks like another nice spring day in the offing.
  14. Woodland scenics come in various shades DD. Have you tried making your own with Postiche woven hair, hairspray and scatter material? It works out cheaper and (in my opinion) looks better. All of the trees, bushes etc on Bridge of Doon were done that way.
  15. Very nice DD. I've heard of the Bridgewater and Grand Union canals, but never of Canal Egress.
  16. Nah..... once you've seen one little brush you've seen them all. Morning all. Just.
  17. That's good to hear. I recall him playing in a 'minor' tournament for England when very few thought he should have been selected. He was the only English player on display to look anything like good enough.
  18. Amazing result from Fulham Hasn't Roy Hodgson done a cracking job down there?
  19. Do you think it will stay that way?
  20. I'm making up my sandwiches as I type. Morning all.
  21. When I cracked my rib last year I stopped walking and cycling (obviously) and for some reason never restarted. I don't know why because both activities I enjoy and find relaxing. I let myself 'go to seed' I have made a determined effort to restart both this year and found I couldn't do either in the way I used to. However, after each walk (I'm leaving the cycling until later) I find I can go a bit further and steeper - and it is easier. So I guess it is a case of use it or lose it.
  22. Good news. Now that the temperature has reached double figures our local council has said that it will no longer ration salt and will resume a full gritting service.
  23. And the rest of the day to yourself. Happy Guinness Promotion Day
  24. That's ok - I can't remember when it wasn't Monday.
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