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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I wonder where GordonS is hiding. I hope all is well. Perhaps he is finishing his layout.
  2. It worked the year we went to Chernobyl.... and that was shortly after I managed to pick up a couple of late, cheap tickets for a cruise on the Posiedon.
  3. Do you get to choose what digit is on that button? Very useful for 999 calls I imagine, but what happens if you want to dial a number with more than just that digit in it?
  4. ..or how much smaller they will get. I'm sure that if God had wanted us to use phones so small he would have put our mouths somewhere high up on our cheeks closer to the ear.
  5. Isn't it amazing just how many RMweb members can't remember where they have been and have to post threads asking for help.
  6. I finished the marking at the weekend to make way for 'the list' which I tackled Monday and Tuesday. I sort of lied when I said I wasn't at work as I'm in today and tomorrow doing exam revision - but that isn't really work as you tend to have just the pupils who are keen. This weekend it will be back to preparation and report writing so that gives me a holiday on ... erm ... Friday.
  7. Morning all As I'm not at work I won't be humping today.
  8. I wonder what would have happened if EE had produced DMUs.
  9. Aaarggghhh - a list. I knew I wouldn't survive the week without one. Never mind, there is something mind-numbingly boring about decorating that makes it quite relaxing and therapeutic, provided that you have the right music playing. Fortunately I am at school for the next two days doing some revising with my exam classes, so the list has been kept resonably short.
  10. Slow hand Clapton and Short fingered Phil
  11. Sounds painful I'm sure if yiu see your GP he will give you something to prevent it happening again. Me? I went for a longish walk and since then have been cutting sleepers.
  12. Wow - a VTOL racing car. As you say, luckily, we can joke about it. I believe only two spectators suffered minor injuries too.
  13. Morningn all Bank holiday is today. Apart from things like Christams, Boxing and New Year's Day all bank holidays are on a Monday here Don.
  14. Morning all. I'm off to buy some new walking shoes/boots. My current pair are on their last legs.
  15. Would someone please make an emergency call to Southern Water.
  16. Have you ever sat down with SWMBO to discuss bedroom colour schemes? In a word .........don't!
  17. Morning all A bank holiday. I am waiting for the list to descend.
  18. ... alright then. my best Geordie Swedish chef's accent. I bet I'm the first person ever to do the Swedish Chef in IKEA.
  19. Earlier this afternoon I was invited to take a trip to IKEA. Well to be more accurate, my wallet was invited to IKEA and I was told I was needed to punch the PINs in. It was my first trip to said warehouse. Typical Swedish efficiency and design, even down the the cafe. Very interesting. Apparently I disgraced myself only once, when I took a book off the shelves in one of the room displays and read it with my best 'Muppet Swedish Chef' accent.
  20. Gordon's getting too soft ..... ... we won't
  21. Morning all Looks like another pleasant day today - as it was yesterday, until about 4.00pm when we had a couple of incredible hail storms. It hurt to go out in them and the streets had streams flowing down them. Each one only lasted a couple of minutes though. Hopefully I won't have to make a decision about a new car for a few years yet. (Am I going to regret saying that?)
  22. It looks like one of his old toupees.
  23. Morning all Bright blue sky here too - but quite cold. I'm onto my third coffee and page six of exam marking.
  24. Glad to see you back Don. Share values in the Brandy industry plummeted on the news that you had gone into hospital.
  25. In the other thread it was suggested that he may be back by Monday - here's hoping.
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