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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Another beautiful day looks in the offing here. Almost too nice to watch football - but not quite. We had a very heavy downpour last night. It lasted just ten minutes and was followed by one flash of lightning and instantaneously the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard. Two minutes later and the sun was out again.
  2. ...... the bottom of the garden will look interesting next year too.
  3. Morning all If you are looking for something interesting to do today you could always go to the World Worm Charming Championships. Ignoring the political decision makers, here's thinking of the "lads and lasses" on Armed Forces Day.
  4. When car washing is mentioned I still use the "It's volcanic ash" ruse. I wonder how much langer I will be able to get away with it.
  5. Think about the poor ball-men.
  6. Convenient for you, the Castles and Coast cycleway, it runs from Edinburgh to Tynemouth. You could finish and go on to your parents and it is supposed to be a very enjoyable route. It's on my to do list.
  7. Morning all Beautiful blue skies earlier then the skies suddenly filled with Oktas and it is hoyin' it down.
  8. Don't turn the radio on or visit the barber's on the way back.
  9. On the M25? If that's what you found when searching for the French Team I think your Internet search techniques may need some refining.
  10. I am there - but still won't get to see it.
  11. A train on the M25 and North Circular would certainly slow Gordon up. I see the nights are starting to draw in.
  12. Ouch - sorry to hear your news Phil, but think of the modelling you will get done ....... .....and the fun that you will have at airport scanners in the future. I think my printer's mouse is well and truly jammed rather than just stuck.......
  13. Morning all I'm having trouble with my printer too. It's mouse seems to be stuck.
  14. Making it look well used with an airbrush and powders is cheating.
  15. My wifw and daughter have been away for a couple of days, including a visit to Ladies' Day at Royal Ascot. Between them they picked five out of six winners - daughter picking four of them. On the coach on the way back the seasoned gamblers were asking for tips and how they worked out the form. Eventually my daughter decided to share her method ... she picked the horses whose jockeys had spots on their silks.
  16. That's them out after the next game then.
  17. Never, ever, ever, wish me good health.
  18. Sonos bits and pieces - and an I-Phone to control it
  19. I've just spent the kids inheritence on a wireless music system for the house. Tomorrow I might pluck up the courage to tell the rest of the family.
  20. Morning all 8 uniform oktas here and a light drizzle. It's a warm drizzle though.
  21. I may go up occasionally or down at some point today but I don't have any plans to go north, east (I would get very wet), south or west. It's not a good day to be an Irish Rugby fan. I should keep my mouth shut really as England have yet to play.
  22. Up north there is not a cloud in the sky. Don't know about down south in Burton though.
  23. Oh no it isn't New members? I look forward to seeing photos of their layouts.
  24. So what is the correct term for being a grandad twice - Grandad with Bar, sounds good. Congratulations to the whole family Phil.
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