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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I remember at secondary school we used to run a sweepstake on the result. 10p entry. Quite a lot of dinner money was lost that way. If you drew Dastardly’s Mean Machine it wasn’t worth watching.
  2. I’m surprised that Andy Y didn’t spot the pattern and that Bill had to ‘justify’ all of his posts.
  3. Is that because people collect them or just that they are useful storage.
  4. Wait a bit. The price will plummet when people start asking about neighbours.
  5. Many happy returns, GDB. Have a great day.
  6. It has started on time after all and has been... errm... interesting.
  7. Lemon is a fruit, so drizzle cake is definitely acceptable as one of your five daily portions of fruit and veg.
  8. Are the flats a block of four? Perhaps suggest that if he wants to be involved then he is responsible for 25% of the bill. If they are leasehold, he may well be anyway.
  9. R.I.P.  Doddie

    1. Phil Mc

      Phil Mc

      Such a sad loss....

      His work with Rob Burrow ( I'm a Rhino's fan ) and Stephen darby, will have such an impact against such a terrible condition.


      R.I.P Big Man.

    2. Re6/6


      From another Rhinos fan, Rest in Peace Big Man.

  10. My dad made the baseboards for my first layout and I was glad he saw the (nearly) finished thing before he passed away.
  11. I know we are nor supposed to discuss muddling in Wheeltappers, but that looks an exquisite little layout.
  12. R.I.P. Doddie Weir Heaven has gained a mad giraffe.
  13. Wow. 300m that’s a rather big fiddle yard. You may be able to cutdown on the price of the plain track but what about the point work? The mind boggles.
  14. Australia: Python bites and drags five-year-old into pool - BBC News
  15. For those lucky enough to have a particular colour blindness they are all red
  16. Ensure said friend has non-contact time last period on a Friday?
  17. You missed 'The Fat Controller' from that list. He needs a special mention for his Stirling efforts in the early days.
  18. I’m sure its movement can be modelled in such a way that does just that for you.
  19. Perhaps they all had the same sense of humour as you.
  20. How very convenient if ever you need to change a fuse. I do hope that they’ve kept themselves up to date with current regulations.
  21. I never had any such problem even when the lump sum went in. It seems strange that a bank doesn’t know of these organisations. Or perhaps it knows something about the Teacher’s Pensions and the Government’s Dept of Work and Pensions that we don’t.
  22. You changed it to Johann Sebastian?
  23. Ah yes, the only things known to man than can rattle your trouser legs* in the same way as standing next to a Deltic as it pulls away can. Both are wonderful. *I guess it will be the same for skirts. I’ve never tried.
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