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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Very inconsiderate of you to practise your guitar at that time of night. No - sunny here at the moment. It looks as if the rain is going to stay just to the North of us.
  2. '- what else can you do in this kind of heat?' Sit in your fridge? Morning all
  3. Morning all Refreshing rain here again overnight. Wouldn't that be a good permanent arrangement - rain overnight and sunny by day. Who do I write to? I did check the outbuildings (shed) Gordon. No strangers there. It must be quite worrying for those in Rothbury where Moat has been sighted although, thankfully, no further incidents have occurred. Even though we are some distance from there, the police are very jittery after the last random attack and his reported request to 'friends' to "go find him a policeman to kill".
  4. Morning all Full set of eight oktas here. I don't think any of them are called Paul.
  5. Moning all We adopted a wasp for a few minutes yesterday evening.
  6. What concerns me is that the first pic shows the snake's skin on a plate.
  7. I was really taken by the 'blurb' on the bottle of one particular brand. Naturally filtered and cleansed by volcanic rock for thousands of years. Use by September 20th.
  8. There's only one way to find out whether they have deteriorated or not.
  9. My parents did that ...... .......when I was still living there.
  10. Cooler today with rain forecast here. Could we possibly get through a whole Wimbledon without one rain break? When was the last time that happened?
  11. ..... it might be the volcanic ash.
  12. I blame global warming.
  13. Maybe today I'll feel braver.... Perhaps you should wear that hard hat just in case.
  14. Morning all Looks like another smasher today. Too nice to stay in and watch Argentina and Germany ...... but then again. Really felt for Ghana last night. Who are Goldsmith and Robson?
  15. You are very lathed back about the whole thing - but I'm sure you could chuck a few insults back. They would make a rivetting read.
  16. Morning all Raining here at the moment but it's a warm rain, the sort that freshens up the flowers and the greenery and mkes everything smell so sweet. It's quite enjoyable to be out in it. A pension windfall Gordon? I didn't think those existed anymore. Have fun with the lathe. I managed a turned poker once, way back when I was in the first year at secondary school. This was just after we'd sawn and filed a chunk of thick metal into a bottle opener shape (that didn't open bottles) and before we stamped our name onto a key tag. That is the sum total of my life's work in metal. Enjoy your lunch Don.
  17. The ABE thing was (apparently) big in Scotland. ABE = Anyone But England. The campaign worked.
  18. You wouldn't hear one over those bloomin' vuvuwotsits. Mike guessed it - ABM - my one man war against the ABE T-shirts. Funny how everyone at the BBC was English until last weekend but are now British.
  19. Morning all Nice day here, but threatened with change later. Don: There is little progress in the actual loft but track building is progressing, a little bit here and there as and when. We are not all called Gordon. A.B.M.
  20. Sorry, I missed the last couple of posts. I was out talking to my herbaceous border.
  21. Won't it look suspicious you standing there talking to an MG?
  22. I'm still writing to Mr TV Kelly
  23. Will you have to put a 'sickie' in tomorrow then?
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