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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Good to see you back. Look after yourself.
  2. Morning all. So far, so good. Only five weeks and six days of list avoidance left. Have a good day.
  3. I have a cunning plan. I have devised a list of my own. Whenever the powers that be ask what I have been up to, I can reply, with complete honesty, that I have been working my way through the list. I wonder if it will work.
  4. I shall try to remain upright.
  5. Morning all Now, what shall I do for six weeks. Remembering that I don't have Sam in the shed, any tips Gordon?
  6. Yes - but you seem to be the main of-fender
  7. That would be A# major process.
  8. Yes, you would fret over that.
  9. A model railway inside a guitar. Now there's a challenge.
  10. Morning all Anyone play the drums? Early Risers sounds quite a good name for a group. Dominic won't be lead singer. Not the moment anyway.
  11. Morning all Up until very recently I just got given hand me down phones. Daughter gets new phone. Wife gets daughter's old phone. I get wife's old phone which is daughters old, old phone. Said phone goes into top drawer of desk along wirh a large pile of chargers most of which have no associated device. This process was repeated each time daughter replaced her phone which, to me, seemed, ridiculously often Only now do I appreciate how younger siblings must feel at the start of a new school year.
  12. .... not really. It's an asset - ylene
  13. You'd have the whole weld at your feet.
  14. " The bloke at our local washing machine shop reckons about 20 years life from a Miele, 12 or so years from a Siemens or AEG" ..........and then, after telling you how reliable they are, tries to sell you a five year extended warranty.
  15. Morning campers. Looks and sounds a lot calmer this morning. I visited Lindisfarne yesterday. Even the sea birds had grounded all flights. It was wild. Have a good weekend.
  16. Morning all Heavy rain here overnight and 9 oktas this morning. The sort that, although it isn't actually raining, soak you to the skin anyway. 5 weeks of glorious sunshine and the this, all because it's ...... ...... school sports day. Buddy annoying.
  17. I've probably posted this before but I always remember this classic from a parent: "I have to get there half an hour before school finishes or I end up parking further away than I live. "
  18. Another week and a half to go Don. In our County here we always wait until summer is over until our summer holidays. Those in County Hall always seem to choose the most illogical of dates for all holidays - must decide it by committee. To be fair to them it's all to do with balancing term lengths and ultimately revolves round that moveable feast, Easter. Very silly really.
  19. Moring all Looks like yet another beautiful day here. Already very warm. It can't last can it? Gordon: Make some 'Beware of the Snake' signs.
  20. Their service department are very understanding.
  21. ...... that has just hit Gordon's 9F
  22. Not necessarily. It could be a homing snake and, according, to DD they do swim.
  23. If she starts building a nest I would really start to worry.
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