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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Up in the highlands. Weather and scenery superb although passed through some torrential rain on the way up. It's usually the other way round for me.
  2. Morning all Baseboard building is continuing. Given that it's the first time I've built them and I'm maladroit when dealing with wood then I'm pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I'm trying to work out the best way to do legs at the moment. I'm guessing that Gordon has rendered his computer to swarf too. We are off up to Scotland for a few days, followed by a couple of days in the Lake District. Bllss.
  3. Why is it much more complicated, and does it take ten times longer, to put together a "flat pack, easy-to-assemble" nest of coffee tables than it does a set af baseboards built from scratch. p.s. a list has finally caught up with me.
  4. You obviously went to the wrong school.
  5. Weyeataakinteelike. Diventrileuzoraalskelpyerlug. Ootsidenooyeaandme. Baseboard construction is moving on apace. Amazingly still quite succesful. Mind you, my isea of success is that they haven't fallen apart yet and the four corners add up to 360 degrees............... ..............approximately.
  6. Morning all Glad to hear that various recoveries seem to be going well. Keep going guys. Keep cheerful Robert. Who knows what might be in store? Enjoy your walk Mike. You are certainly heading to a fantastic part of the country. For me it's back to baseboard building. Considering that I wasn't looking forward to it at all it is proving remarkably relaxing and, much to my amazement, reasonably successful.
  7. Cricket. That's a good start as you are heading off to Yorkshire. I suggest putting a red rose badge in your lapel to indicate your love of cricket.
  8. In a roundabout sort of way.
  9. I once knew a girl with a retrograde rotation.
  10. So I guess asking you to build my baseboards while you are just sitting round on your ar$e is out of the question then.
  11. Has anyone noticed that we've reached our tricentennial. Morning all
  12. I wear the trousers in my house. She tells me which ones I can wear.........and when.
  13. We've been on the downhill slope for years.
  14. Can't you build a diorama? As far as the inlaws, ours have already driven us bonkers, well when I say us it's mainly SWMBO who bears the brunt of it. We keep saying to each other "If ever I reach that state, please just put me down". We joke about it but it's very sad to see. Fortunately my son and daughter live quite close so they are taking over duties and we are going to get away for a few days. No foreign sun (which we don't like anyway) but a nice quiet hotel where doing nothing is the order of the day for Mrs S.
  15. Morning all Hope this finds all of our holiday makers and recuperaters enjoying themselves/doing well * I have one day left on my rover ticket and then it's back to ,,,,,,,,,,, .....a list. *delete as appropriate
  16. Has the op altered your accent? Can we understand you now? It sounds like a long road to recovery so look after yourself - or better still, let your daughter look after you and don't put the guitar foot pedals on e- bay just yet.
  17. Sorry Tony, it looks as though I have missed wishing you a good holiday. Much as I know you will be disappointed by this please don't let it stop you enjoying your holiday.
  18. Is that the NHS version of the transport police? Do they work closely with Interpol? Don: I'm ver much enjoying pottering around, visiting places and watching trains. The weather isn't bad. I think the C will try go keep a L on the whole thing, just to hide S 's enitiy.
  19. All the best with the op Phil, or as they say....... break a leg.......
  20. That sounds remarkably like the Dales Way Mike. Very nice indeed, I'm feeling rather jealous. You will pass a cafe in Burnsall that does a wonderful apple pie and cream...... Or perhaps you won't pass it. Don, I travelled on the Settle and Carlise line yesterday and at the moment I'm sitting on a train waiting to go to Doncaster and possibly Barnetby both good sites for watching trains. Saturday will be back to Carlisle to see charter trains. Sunday will be the Esk Valley line, other than that I am undecided.
  21. I'm sure your zimmer frame will weather really well. Look after yourslf Stewart.
  22. He needs to call in the C.
  23. Morning all I've decided to buy a North East rover ticket (stale bread and water for the rest of the month) and so today will be off down the Settle and Carlisle. A trip down the Esk Valley line with a visit to the NYMR is on the agenda and so is a visit to the National Railway Museaum. Who knows what else the week has in store (apart from stale bread and water).
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