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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I am just unpacking some flat pack furniture and I'm wishing I hadn't been so stingy and had paid for assembly too.
  2. I'm viewing from a mobile so perhaps it's those changes I'm noticing. It does look quite smart. Strange though, I can see Mike's avatar but Robbie has turned into Tony himself. They do say dogs grow to be like their owners bit that is taking it too far.
  3. Is it just me at my end or are has the forum functionality changed quite a bit. All the previously bearable avatars have been changed to photos of members too. Ouch.
  4. Anyone worked out what the google logo is about today? Normally hovering over it reveals all but not this one.
  5. Morning all Dark, wet and windy here this morning. I think it's heading your way Mike (if you can be bothered to get out of bed to see it) What is the opposite of Indian Summer?
  6. He will be charging by the word though.
  7. I just hate these long goodbyes. Morning all
  8. We need new housephone(s) I thought easy choice, no problem.... then I looked in the Argos catalogue. Forty or so pages of the ruddy things. Aaarrrghh. All I want to do is to be able to talk to the person at the other end. This isn't mentioned as one of the features of any of the phones.
  9. I know you like having a few guitars but that is taking it too far.
  10. My barber certainly draws my blood more easily than the nurse at the local doctor's surgery.
  11. " I'm supposed to have them monthly but I usually stretch the interval between tests a bit." ..... sounds a bit like haircuts. Morning all
  12. Me ... I just have trouble remembering what day it is. No problems. Morning all.
  13. That's not a modelling room - you can see the floor.
  14. There's not much point in you having any sun ....... ....you can't get out anyway.
  15. Morning all Trying to get back into the habit of ER ing again as the holidays threaten to come to an end. Only one week to go. We have been doing our yearly stint of dog sitting so that has helped. Routine is now up at six, out for a walk and collect the papers. A read of the papers then out for a longer walk. This has all been done in beautiful sunshine. Even when I took the opportunity to pop up to Edinburgh on Thursday the weather was great, in spite of the forecast. It's been a good summer up here. Back to the papers. Have a good weekend.
  16. Bit harsh that. Wanting to upgrade your wife just because the fridge was damaged.
  17. Happy birthday Don. Although you may not feel too much like celebrating I'm sure you will have a special bottle of brandy tucked away that you were saving for a special occasion. Now seems a good time a time as any. It's not a long weekend you are starting, it is a well deserved holiday.
  18. In that case we take back all the nice things we said yesterday and today.
  19. Blimey Don. We are losing an old friend here, hopefully not permanently. As Tony has said PM your address and we can keep in touch. Or at least add you to the Xmas card list.
  20. Moaning all. Hsve jist Bern to pock ip my fist paor of varifocul glessus. Jist gotting used ti thum.
  21. "mad checking out of everything and marking of territory in the garden!" I suspect Matthew will be the same when he moves to Leicester.
  22. Fantastic news for Matthew, Tony. Give him our congratulations. "Absolutely - broadcast output valves are huge. Here's an example out of an RCA Ampliphase Broadcast Transmitter" Looks like a fire extinguisher to me.
  23. Morning all Now in the lake district. Wet.
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