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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Unfortunately the computer I am moving to is not new and has content that has to remain alongside the new.
  2. I have decided to migrate to a better computer. What a pain this is proving to be. I may be some time.
  3. If it is photos of the Duchess you are talking about Mick, then I'm afraid I idn't take any. Although I had a compact camera with me, just in case, I was on a watching brief only today. A few years ago now I went to Ribblhead to see (funnily enough) the Duchess. It was the run when Prince Charles was on the footplate but that was beside the point. I climbed the hillside to be looking slightly down on the viaduct and waited. It was only after the train had passed by that I realised I had watched almost the whole thing through the lens of my camera and was disappointed by the experience. So, yes, I will go out to take photographs occasionally, but more often than not these days I will go out to enjoy the full experience of watching and hearing and smelling. Besides, I already have enough photographs and I'm sure that, before today is out, there will be enough photos on the internet to paper the Great Wall of China if I felt so inclined. Me, I've got uncluttered memories of a very pleasant day. For the same sort of reason I have never bought a video recorder. I refuse to see the places I go to through a viewfinder.
  4. By the way Gordon - it's Saturday.
  5. I'm not driving but on the train service ahead of her. Hexham is my destination. It has the added bonus of a model shop on the platform. Lots of photographers on every station. I do give them a royal wave but they just ignore me.
  6. Have just had two brief encounters with the Duchess. No problems with the Duke. I am trying to get ahead of her again.
  7. Morning all. Aren't family weddings fun. If nothing else they act as a reminder of who isn't speaking to who, even if nobody can remember why. The groom was Australian so somehow the word ashes appeared frequently in speeches. Someone even ran a sweep on the length of the best man's speech. I suspect spot betting too. I think I may chase a duchess today.
  8. Morning all A single battleship has just passed by. Other than that it looks ok. That's good news as I finish at lunchtime to go to a family wedding.
  9. Morning all. Nice and bright here. I hope you mum settles in Gordon and is content in her 'new place'. I woke up like that once but an Alka-Seltzer soon sorted it.
  10. Many happy returns Mick. Can only echo other's feelings re builder.
  11. Morning all The TV said we were having heavy rain at the moment but the skies are clear blue. I must be hallucinating.
  12. It will eventually dawn on you.
  13. Morning all It's Monday. (Some of our members may not realise). It's dark (Some of our members may not realise) Yeuch!!
  14. It would ap-pear that we are. Pear-sonally I think it go too far. Bartlett it continue if you wish.
  15. You could always re-pear them.
  16. Nasty. The symptoms are tiredness, sore wrists, ankes and knees.
  17. That's bad luck but at least you are insured. Still a pain in the proverbial though.
  18. The shop is going to get in touch with the firm that produces the wardrobe and we will see what solution they offer. Unfortunately that can't happen until Monday. The lead time for the wardrobe was about six weeks so a quick trip to the store isn't an option. I was beginning to wish I had gone to "that Swedish place" but then I recalled the wardrobes my son bought there and the thought very quickly disappeared.
  19. Oh joy Built wardrobe carcass. Fitted first set of doors. Mrs. S came into the room and said "the sides are cream" (the rest of wardrobe is white). Stuff me. She's correct. I hadn't noticed but once the white doors were on it was obvious. I wouldn't care, I'd hung the doors brilliantly, even if I say so myself. I'm now crying into a cup of coffee.
  20. Well that's the carcass and internal fittings of the wardrobe done. It was easy as everything fitted snugly and all the fixing bits and holes lined up accurately. Just like my baseboards (not). Just the doors to do now. <gulp>
  21. Isn't the catch in the wording though? "Can" or "may" waiver suggests that the decision is still theirs.
  22. Good morning all. Eight leaking oktas here too when I went out for the papers but it seems to be clearing a bit now. Quite warm and muggy though. Wardrobe update: all the parts appear to be there. I'm just wondering which piece will be left over when I am finished. Actually it looks a fairly straightforward job apart from the hinges. I've never liked hinges. Have a good weekend.
  23. No it's much more substantial. It's a wardrobe and I think one of it's doors weighs more than an entire wardrobe from 'that other place'. I've already got a cordless screwdriver ....... and a cordless saw....... and a cordless hammer ......and a set of cordless chisels...........and .........
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