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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Wow!!! 400 pages of .... and soon to be 10,000 posts.
  2. Why did you have your trousers on upside down?
  3. Where there's a whim there's way
  4. I remember when, many moons ago, a group of us were backpacking in Scotland and we acquired a fresh salmon. That evening, high in the hills, we poached it and ate it, open air, under a clear star filled sky. It was the best salmon I have ever tasted.
  5. Nervous. Bragging rights and much more are at stake. Sounds daft but the result of this one affects the mood for days. I'm watching MOTD now to checkout this controversial goal yesterday.
  6. Happy Birthday Dominik. Have a good one.
  7. Ah, the Fidge Screwdriver. Hopefully it won't come to that.
  8. What do you do when you have built your baseboards square but find that your room isn't? Is it worth rebuilding the house?
  9. Two and s quarter hours of my life wasted this morning watching various websites crash and hearing every possible message bt puts out when their system can't cope. The look on my daughters face when I told her I had managed to get her Take That tickets made it all worth while though.
  10. Who needs cyber terrorists to bring systems crashing down. Just put tickets for a Take That concert on sale.
  11. No I am not going to see Take That, thank you very much. We thoroughly enjoyed the film. It was called The Last Guardian. A good v evil thing involving owls. What a change going to the cinima is these days. 12 cinemas in one. All much smaller but with very comfortable seats on a sensible rake too. This 3D thing is very impressive. I see Pearl & Dean are still going strong though. The last film I went to see was Bo Derrek in 10. I guess it was just as well 3D wasn't around then.
  12. I have just been instructed by my daughter to buy some tickets to see Take That (a pop group I believe) when they go on sale on Friday morning. She has given me four phone numbers and three possible websites to try. Does she think I'm an octopus? (I know - but there's no such thing as a heptopus) I have been warned to be patient and that it may take some time. That reminds me of the time many years ago when my little sister asked me for Jimmy Osmond's record 'Long Haired Lover from Liverpool' for Christmas. I was 15 at the time and was constantly trying (and failing miserably) to be cool or whatever the equivalent was then. Imagine the scene in Boots in front of all those girls a pimply 15 year old asking " Can I have Long haired Lover from Liverpool please" and been told to speak up they couldn't hear. So I repeat it a liitle bit louder (but not much) and still get "I can't hear you". Why is it that in such situations when you do say things loudly all other noise stops for those two seconds.......
  13. Shouldn't you be paying attention to the lecturer rather than gazing out of that window?
  14. If you took two loads up Mike you can look forward to bringing at least six loads back .... and all from the same small room. Morning all
  15. According to this morning's paper we had the coldest October night for 17 years last week. Absolutely foul here. Judging by the amount of surface water it has been raining heavily for some time. On the plus side it means I will be stuck indoors modelling (this weeks list had an outdoor theme). Have a good day all.
  16. Nah, that would have been a bodge job. Good news that the repair has worked. Shame about having to go back to work though.
  17. Blimey. You weren't wrong there. A request for a regular popcorn resulted in an obscene amount delivered in an ...erm .... cardboard bucket. Amazing. ...and they wouldn't take my jam jars.
  18. I've got various bits that haven't been used for much longer than that.
  19. Is that normal at this stage? Hopefully they will start to function agaiun soon. 18 points?? It's taken me best part of three months to do fourteen. Can I send you the plans for the rest of mine.
  20. Morning all Quite nippy this morning when I popped round for the papers. I am taking my grandson to the cinema today. It has been many a year since I have been to one. Do they still accept jam jars as payment?
  21. Couldn't you just build a 4mm one and then prune it?
  22. There was a constant low rumble/vibration all night here too. I blame the curry. I wish I could say it was a nice sunny day here too but I can't.
  23. Oh dear. Oh dear. My daughter has shown my wife how to text. I have just received my first 'automated' list.
  24. We do have members from Hull so they may correct me but I believe that Kingston upon Hull is the full correct name for the city but it is generally just shortened to Hull and appears as that on many maps.
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