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Everything posted by BoD

  1. That's a pity. I do hope they were insured or if not, haven't incurred too many costs that that they can't recover thereby putting the club in difficulty.
  2. Would you enjoy a walk in the snow if you had short legs?
  3. Good morning Snowing just for a change.
  4. I used to have a Renault Five
  5. Morning all We haven't had any snow since yesterday evening but I suspect the clear skies overnight will have given everything a chance to freeze over. I'll find out soon enough.
  6. I don't think they had any of those at our local Poundland.
  7. You would have thought, what with all the advances in technology, that someone would have designed a sledge with brakes.
  8. Have spent most of today with my grandson, sledging and building a snowman. Wonderful.
  9. Back home after getting to school only to be told by the head that we were closed. I knew we might be, as all I could see was her bobble hat sticking out of a drift. Seriously though, the main arterial road, the A19 is passable at about 20mph everything else is silly. Not a gritter or plough in sight. We normally pride ourselves on staying open but the roads around the school and the main drive, on quite steep slopes, were dangerous. The Head had phoned the council for help in clearing them and was told, after many harumphs and "ooo I don't know about that"s that they might be able to get out by about ten. This wasn't forecast was it? Now where's my list.
  10. Morning all Another couple of cm to brush off the car this morning. I think i will go to work early and try to miss the crowds. Edit: A thunderstorm has just started. Looks like I will have to clear the car again
  11. I think I prefer something from the classics. Perhaps The Solder's Chorus or The Girl with the Fluxen Hair.
  12. It's getting colder. I think I'll have to get the 25W iron out.
  13. No it was just a reflux reaction
  14. Another day, another snow shower. We are ok though. No woodburner either so we are all sitting around my soldering iron warming our hands on the tip.
  15. Just back from an early evening stroll There is something quite exhilarating about a walk in the snow when it is deep and crisp and even.
  16. If that is the case then I would avoid the temptation of warming your hands on them.
  17. I thought you'd put it all in the bin bags. I think my camera and I will be going for a walk shortly.
  18. Morning all Above freezing this morning but I'm told that it just a minor blip. Roads are still bad though. Was overtaken by a White van using the untreated part of the road only for him pirouette shortly after. Oh how we laughed.
  19. Ah .... the famous Selsey Bil.
  20. My daughter has just got in from work. Two and a half hours to drive four miles in nose to tail traffic on ice. This is her first time in such conditions. After a few tears she was ok. We are all very, very relieved.
  21. The local Christmas lights were turned on earlier tonight. To add atmosphere the local council hired in a snow making machine. We have three inches of real snow and it is blowing a blizzard.
  22. Just a couple of inches of snow this morning. Frequent showers at the moment with a heavier spell forecast for later tonight. The vast majority of drivers coped well but then there is always one or two just don't have a clue and seem totally bereft of common sense too.
  23. Please ignore last message. Predicted snow showers have arrived.
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