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Everything posted by BoD

  1. ....... Dented bodywork or blocked exhausts?
  2. Morning all I don't think I've ever seen snow go so fast. Almost overnight it has gone from well over a foot (or a few inces of compressed ice) to just a few stubborn patches of ice. That's how it should be, miss the dirty slushy part out and I'd be quite happy with more picturesque bits.
  3. Ah, but he said at his press conference that Newcastle is one of the top five clubs in the country. They will be 100% behind him now.
  4. A bit of a thaw today but it's frozen over now. It is lierally a sheet of ice out there. Shame I don't have a set of curling stones. Good luck with the driving test Jam.
  5. It is up to -2C this morning Positively balmy weather. Have a good, safe, day.
  6. Morning all Sorry to hear of your troubles Mick. -6C again here. Can we all gather round Gordon's woodburner? He's overdue a rebuild of the layout.
  7. Yellow snow? Don't eat it.
  8. Mike's absence has been noted. I hope all is well.
  9. I wonder how that compares with the other 'big names' that they have had recently. Quite favourably I would guess. I seem to recall that it's not the first time he has been kicked in the teeth by the club and as a gentleman will no doubt keep his own counsel but he really must be wondering what he has to do to succeed. He did a great job for them and now this.
  10. Afternoon all -6C when I went to work this morning. -4.5C when I left at 4:00pm. I don't know what happened in-between. Don: I'm afraid the new layout is still at the point and baseboard building stage. So nothing new to report which may explain why you can't find it. t seems to be going very slowly. If I can save up for some point motors I 'might' get some track laid over Xmas.
  11. That was a nice thawed.
  12. I have just picked Mrs S and daughter up from their weekend away and, according to the car, it is -4C already. Given the amount of compacted snow that has turned to ice on paths and roads and the crispiness of any virgin snow I have no reason to doubt this. Not a bit of frost on the windscreen thoiugh, although that could well develop overnight.
  13. Good aftermorning all I don't know what the temperature is outside but I'm guessing it's not much above zero if it is indeed above at all. The snow is not giving in the slightest despite the blue skies and (very) weak sunshine. I'm in total agreement with Dave though. I much prefer this to miserable grey and rain. If only there were some mechanism for shifting snow overnight so we didnt have to go through the messy slush stage.
  14. Morning all For the second weekend in a row I had to drop the family off at silly o'clock to pick up their coach tour This weekend it is Edinburgh and Glasgow Christmas markets. The roads are very interesting at that time of a morning. Still, papers read, coffee drunk, modelling to be done. Every cloud........
  15. Not particularly educational jargon - but 'work', 'home', 'from' and 'pretend to' all figured highly. As it didn't snow today I cleared all the paths and associated bits and guess what ..... .... it is now dumping heavier than ever.
  16. Thank goodness he waited until after the England v SA rugby match.
  17. Hi Don Great to see you back (saves me the cost of a Xmas card ) I doubt very much if it would ask for your e-mail account password. Giving something like that out is a definite no.
  18. The chairs are too uncomfortable.
  19. Morning all Training day today (read into that what you will)
  20. Let's not start talking about our 'wonderful' press otherwise I fear the mods may be quite busy. I know that if I offered my opinion I would probably offend someone.
  21. Those locos look interesting Dominik. Off to do some googling.
  22. My daughter and her boyfriend went to the outdoor ice rink. It was closed because of the wintery weather.
  23. Morning all The snowman we built on Monday has been eating well. His girth has increased considerably over the last few days.
  24. I think I'd far rather have something frozen on than frozen off (says he in a brass monkeyish sort of way).
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