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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all More snow shifting duties before Mrs.S could go to work. Enjoy, daytime and TV were three words I never thought I would see in the same sentence. Good to see that you are staying cheerful(ish) though, Gordon. Don: I think it is DD that you are getting "formal" with not me.
  2. Temperature has suddenly shot up to -1C. Must be the heavy snow.
  3. Good morning all. -7.5C this morning. Walk was brisk.
  4. Good morning all Papers read. Coffee drunk. Snow cleared from car and same de-iced (major task) so that Mrs.S could go to work. Rest of day my own. I will see how cold it is in the loft. Depending on the findings it will either be baseboard building or more point construction. May even dig out a kit of something or the other just for a change.... or perhaps a small diorama for inclusion on the main layout later Decisions, decisions.
  5. ...... only revealed by an ear examination.
  6. .......let's hope it comes down to alphabetical order at the end of the season then. :P
  7. Don't you mean equal 5th ?
  8. Good morning all. Anyone dreaming of a white Christmas?
  9. Agreed. I don't go shopping for christmas presents I go out to buy Christmas boxes. It's a term we have always used.
  10. Morning all Cold here but that biting wind has dropped off a bit so feels warmer than it did. Listening to the news Dave, I'm guessing you got the snow that you didn't have last night. It looks as though We have missed it over here this time. Take care everyone, wherever you are.
  11. -3C here at midday. Just watching the pictures of snow in Wales. Hope all is well over there DD.
  12. My daughter never leaves the house without coming back with a new pair of shoes or handbag or both. Interesting sign next to the cash machines at the shopping center last night...... "Free Cash" . I stood waiting for ages but it didn't give me any.
  13. Couple of inches of snow over the last hour or so - those really thick flakes. And it's still coming.
  14. Morning all It was 7c when I took Mrs S. to work at 6:30 but only 0.5c when I drove to work a few minutes ago. That should tell me something. Oh. It's started snowing too.
  15. My plastic card and I have been taken shopping to the metro centre. The buddy place doesn't shut until 11. I am quickly losing the will to live.
  16. Morning all. We are moving into a new build over the Xmas holidays so we have to pack the whole school into plastic boxes over the next three days. Pupils don't have to be packed so have been given the three days off. Must remember to be careful with my back.
  17. I sufferred a cold over the weekend. I found lemsip worked better when taken between good single malts.
  18. Isn't Sam available for a massage? Seriously, I hope it is no more than a temporary glitch.
  19. ...... or at The Baseball Ground.
  20. Where have you sent him and more importantly, will they keep him?
  21. Hopefully the other guests were entertaining.
  22. You mean you have to pop to the shop and get the Brandy in?
  23. That first picture looks like a virgin voyager with mumps..
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