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Everything posted by BoD

  1. It would be a waste of time going any further in the cup....... ........ the year ends in a one.
  2. I wonder how ordon's back is today.
  3. ood morning to you too, on.
  4. Are you speaking as the reader or the writer? Is pure drivel of better quality than unadulterated drivel? So many questions So much drivel
  5. We had the 'central' kitchen too, although with a bit more choice. We got luke warm stew, slightly tepid stew or cold stew. Don't forget the lumpy potato that went with it.
  6. I think it's probably just beuaro , buearocr brooro paper work.
  7. Morning all Total cloud is preventing viewing of partial elcipse. Back to work today too but not allowed, under any circumstances, to enter new building until 11:45. Ours not to reason why ........
  8. I do have some trestles purchased from ALDI last time they were on sale although I like to have them free for other work. They are wider than the shunting plank too. Having said that, given my previous form with legs, I may just have to make them do.
  9. Morning all I'm sick of constructing turnouts so I have decided to take a break from that aspect and build a quick* TMD type layout. Hopefully this will vary the type of work I'm doing and let me run some trains sooner than I would be able to on the main layout. I am using bought peco trackwork and made the baseboards yesterday. Struggling with legs though. I always have. * quick is a relative term.
  10. I daren't wash my car - it is only the mud that is holding it together in places.
  11. After a difficult year for many here, I hope that as you slide down the bannister of life all the splinters are pointing in the right direction.
  12. Our local garage, anticipating the rush to fill up before Jan 1st, put 2p on a litre today. Naughty. Nice pics Jam. I assume it wasn't like that when you landed.
  13. I took my grandson to the cinema today. My first experience of 3D. Impressive. * * Apart from the fact it looked like we were all at a Roy Orbison look alike convention.
  14. Sorry to let ERs down but I didn't get up until eight this morning. Most unusual for me.
  15. Would anyone like some turkey curry?
  16. Sorry to hear your news Stewart. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  17. Morning all It's snowing again. Just for a change.
  18. I am at the local charity Boxing Day dip. It's blooming freezing. Hundreds of people in all states of fancy dress and undress all going for a swim. Fortunately I'm here as a spectator as it was my daughter who did the dip.
  19. Morning all Have just seen the test score 135 - 0. Took me a while to realise that Australia had already batted. WOW.
  20. Coal? There's posh. When we were naughty all we got was a sack of ashes.
  21. Glad to read that the season of good will, good injections and information given seems to be raising spirits (or wine) all round. Just to add my twopenneth worth ... We discovered that my daughter's car had a headlight out this morning. She was chewed about this and I was thinking about stories I've heard about difficult access, sealed units and what have you. Anyway, she took some time out from work and took it to a local garage. The bulb was changed for £5. What a pleasant surprise. She is much happier now and I'm thinking that, ok, it's obviously an easy job on this car, but for that amount it's not even worth getting your hands dirty let alone trying to source the correct bulb.
  22. Happy Christmas Don and all. More serious de-icing and snow shifting this morning. Driving on ice episode 24 beckons. Last night we saw the most silly/foolhardy piece of driving we have ever seen in these conditions. Fortunately there was no damage done other than to a wheel, a kerb and someones pride. It did, however, result in a dislocated baseball cap.
  23. Hasn't the price of turkey gone through the roof since Bernard Matthews died?
  24. There's no way he could carry their attributes..... not with his back anyway.
  25. Good news Gordon. Hope it goes well and they manage to sort something out for you.. I have just got back from a walk. The sun came out and was exceptionally bright on the snow. My eyes were quite painful. Wish I had taken my sunglasses.
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