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Everything posted by BoD

  1. To not touch the one or two girls in your village with.
  2. No doubt you will be elected to the post that nobody else will touch with a bargepole. [aside] Is bargepole one word or two?
  3. How do you tell the difference now, Don?
  4. I once saw a clockwise haggis. Up on Ben Doon I think it was. Can't be too sure though it was quite dark
  5. I can't even see them in the daytime.
  6. "I'll just lurk a bit" If you are doing that in Early Risers does that mean that you are 'up with the lurks'?
  7. That's Stoke's style, especially now they have Carew. Very frustrating, feels like you have been robbed, but you have to learn how to deal with styles like that or you are going nowhere. At least the Mag's score is cheering me up a bit.
  8. Hope the repairs go well then Gordon.
  9. That's even older than Gordon.
  10. How old is Carlisle tomorrow?
  11. So that's how you spent your Saturdays.
  12. Cloudy, gloomy and overcast. I assume the England cricketers want a quick finish so they can watch the tennis too.
  13. As I recall the game 'affected' was a most entertaining affair. The team certainly didn't appear much weaker. To fine is an insult to the club, the manager and the players concerned.
  14. He's normally like that only when he's losing.
  15. We did that. Our hallway and stairs are now only eighteen inches wide.
  16. Best watch your back then.
  17. I've been doing that ever since my wedding day.
  18. Was it taken in a stick up?
  19. No artistic ability is needed, just a steady hand, very good eyesight and an ability to read mirror images. Mind you, my set is limited to three very short lines of text and the outline picture of a butterfly.
  20. You can borrow my John Bull printing set if you want to.
  21. Morning all Last out and first in this morning. Woke up to snow. Just a few cm. but still snow. That wasn't forecast.
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