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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I suppose you could make it an underground station.
  2. The mind boggles as what ideas a flexi sigmoidoscopy might have given you. We await the results with baited breath
  3. My word. Have just seen some blue sky. At least I think that's what it was. It's been so long since I last saw some I'm not quite sure. Are you sure you aren't on the 'Carry on Nurse' set Gordon
  4. Remember my earlier post saying that I was going to spend the day track laying? Well change that to spending the day tidying up ready for track laying...... ..... and looking for that 'xyz' that I know I have somewhere.... and finding out that I didn't have 'xyz' after all ....... ..and finding the tub of PVA glue dry and empty...... ...... and trying to find a shop with 'xyz' in stock. Well tomorrow's another day. p.s just found the bag with my original 'xyz's in it. Any one want to buy one?
  5. Coffee quaffed, papers read. Busy day of tracklaying ahead.
  6. If you are ageing quicker than she is you are probably breaking the equality act.
  7. More fuel for the woodburner when he gets home then.
  8. Hopefully it's only a case of that high tech thingymajig bankrupting him.
  9. Have just seen a shot of the Man City subs bench, all of them with hot water bottles. Wimps!!
  10. That must have been the tip of the iceberg.
  11. Morning all Come on Gordon. ..... it's time for your dongle to have its bed bath. Rise and shine.
  12. Nope. It's definitely Sam.
  13. Just noticed this ....... Can I have Sam please?
  14. Poetry in Motion followed by ..... Ring of Fire (sorry folks)
  15. What about the one that includes the line ...... Skip to my loo
  16. Perhaps we should club together and have a request played for Gordon on the hospital radio sation. Any suggestions?
  17. Nothing that involves nurses and dongles that's for sure. Weather is really foul here (it's forecast to turn wintry later) so, as I have a week off, I may well prepare the loft for a concerted track laying effort. There are a couple of football matches on the box that may get in the way though. Do these new fangled hospital systems have access to the pay for view or is it still some bloke sitting in a broom cupboard doing hospital radio?
  18. Perhaps Gordon will become a proper early riser again then.
  19. I bought a Valentine card...... To my one and only. It came in a triple pack.
  20. We have managed, by mutual agreement, not to be fleeced, I mean not to celebrate this for 25 years. For some unfathomable reason this year unsubtle hints have been flying thicker than Cupid's arrows.
  21. Morning all Does anyone know where I can buy some flowers without having to re-mortgage the house first?
  22. But at least the rugby result cheered me up.
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