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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Morning all Glad to hear that all has gone well Gordon. I hope the rest is as painless. Look after yourself....... who will keep the woodburner stocked otherwise. Plans for this weekend mostly involve a TV and lots of different shaped balls. Shouldn't really, there's a long list, but I think that might get lost. Have a good weekend all.
  2. I once had a curry like that.
  3. I can't see Chelsea getting that consolation goal myself.
  4. That looks clever I don't understand why anyone with your carpentry skills needs a woodburner.
  5. How about a red seaweed....... although she may object to having to flood the lounge twice a day. I'm sure that if you go to somewhere like B & KEA Base you could get a plasic effort in red. Some of them almost manage to look like fake plants.
  6. Two? You could try breeding them.
  7. Morning all The weekend has arrived at last. It's grey and miserable outside though. Here's hoping that backs, hips, high temperatures, essays and other miscellaneous trials and tribulations don't cause too much trouble this weekend. Have a good one whatever you are doing. Don. Gordon. It's Saturday.
  8. Degu? I thought that was a society for Deisel and Electric loco fans until I looked it up. Now I know what they look like and that they don't like having their tails pulled. The same could probably be said about diesel and electric fans.
  9. My niece is doing A level Maths at the moment. She came to me for some help with trigonometrical proofs. I have always taught in the same 11 - 16 school and it has been nigh on 30 years since I did my degree and any higher level maths. However, I was able to solve the problems and explain the solutions to her straight away. I was both chuffed and absolutely amazed that I could do it after all this time. Sorry to sound boastful and bore you folks but I just had to tell someone.
  10. Especially if you are playing cricket......... .......or in goal for England.
  11. No. It was the England Germany game. East Coast wi-fi is very slow.
  12. Missed the match but have been following the score on the train. Good result but I'm not going to start counting chickens. Have been disappointed too many times in the past.
  13. Her tan has gone because Gordon won't let her out of the shed. Mrs Gordon still doesn't know that she's his fish keeper. Off to Glasgow as we speak.
  14. For those of us who have been feeling down in the mouth (or other extremities) a reminder .........
  15. I don't think he had a sense of humour either. Certainly didn't watch any of the 'Carry On' films
  16. Many happy returns Robert ..... .......and enjoy your party.
  17. Am busy filing/tidying various papers (I do like to live close to the edge, don't I). Anyone know how long I need to keep P60 yearly tax certificates for?
  18. the spirit might be willing .......
  19. Who is going to be the first to mention the power of thought to help transcend dental medication.
  20. Morning all Track laying is going well, if slowly Don. At least it has started though. If previous form is anything to go by I will change things at least a dozen times before the end. We had some sun for a few hours yesterday. Unfortunately I was at school doing some extra work with exam classes. It's dull and back to rain now. A good day for the loft perhaps.
  21. Just had a similar wierd experience with the AA. We have family membership, mainly for our peace of mind when our daughter is out in her car. We take most of the add ons, relay, homestart etc too. We got our membership quote today for two hundred and silly pounds. Phoned up, told them we weren't renewing membership and they knocked one hundred and thirty of the price there and then. I couldn't be bothered to push further but I wonder how far I might have got. I also wonder how many just pay up. I believe I'm correct in thinking that their whole service is underwritten in the same way as insurance is these days rather than being run as a motoring organisation.
  22. Damn. That means I can't have Sam.
  23. Just pinched this from the joke forum. I thought some on here might appreciate it. Bloke from Barnsley with piles asks chemist "Nah then lad, does tha sell arse cream?" Chemist replies "Aye, Magnum or Cornetto?"
  24. "No smart remarks about Gordon's day at the orifice." Very good. We'll find an opening for you yet.
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