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Everything posted by BoD

  1. Just had a look at the budget news and I see the price of petrol at the pump will go down by 1p from 6pm. Where I live they are queueing to fill up before the 6pm deadline.
  2. If you find the intruder send him up to my garden please.
  3. Good morning all Clear blue skies here for the third day in a row. What is happening? Now that you have decided that it is needed , I'm sure that you will be relieved that the op is finally on Gordon. No one has mentioned the other B word yet.
  4. Any particular reason for that Tony? Or is it something you would rather keep to yourself?
  5. Downhill was the only word for it after that erm ...... penalty. Had an enjoyable morning at Jarrow. A smallish but friendly exhibition. Picked up a ruby shark for my aquarium. No, not at the exhibition although there were Hornby sharks there.
  6. Good morning all A trip up to the exhibition at Jarrow might be on the cards this morning. I think I might call in on the local fish stockist on the way home see if he has anything interesting in. This afternoon it's all downhill, planning for next week and a bit marking too.
  7. .... same with my ...... oops better not, she's watching.
  8. Have a good one Dave if that's at all possible. If not, I hope youhave a relatively stress free one.
  9. Some people will go to any length to watch the rugby.
  10. It's been a few months since Great Aunt Wynne last visited.
  11. In about three weeks. Morning all Clear blue skies here today too. I can count the number of those we've had this year on just one hand.
  12. Morning all Happy Guinness promotional day.
  13. I was hoping to leave the country that weekend Failing that I'll try and hibernate.
  14. Morning all Thick mist here this morning. I can't see any changes or new bits. I'll check settings, delete caches, cookies etc . later
  15. My car insurance is due. I know thisl by the mountain of junk mail that I have to climb over each day. Its height seems to increase exponentially as the date draws closer.
  16. Perhaps that was the photo that you originally meant to take but were holding the camera the wrong way round. Morning all.
  17. So that, if ever you forgot where you went on holiday, you could post in on RMweb it a thread called "Mystery Location".
  18. We can keep on swinging low....... ...... but only just.
  19. We have rain here rather than snow. I believe there has been snow both inland and a little further North from where I am. It still feels quite cool though.
  20. I think anyone who has ever lived has lived in interesting times. You just don't realise how interesting until they are gone.
  21. My dad built Hartlepool power sation. And Torness too. Well that's what he told me when I was young but personally I think he might have had one or two others working with him. I remember doing a tour of Hartlepool while it was being built and getting to go where the public weren't allowed. I wouldn't like to stand now where I stood then.
  22. Morning all Seems that there is still confusion over the state of the nuclear plants this morning. They have even mentioned the word meltdown. As if they haven't suffered enough.
  23. I have just cleaned the fridge and it struck me as strange that the beer drawer should have pictures of a lettuce and an onion on it.
  24. The BBC are reporting at least 1300 dead already. Sadly, I fear that this will rise considerably over the next few days. You are right Dave, nature can put us in our place, in so many different ways. It has the powe to be beautiful, awesome and deadly all at the same time.
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