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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by BoD

  1. I have just got back from my evening walk. Good news. You can cast your clout. May is out.
  2. Tempting, so very tempting.
  3. A set of rolling road saddles for it would cover the worth of my fleet!! Morning all.
  4. Sorry Rory. I should have kept my mouth shut.
  5. Morning all. Rather late up this morning...... and I wasn't even at a party last night. Eighteenth or otherwise. I hope young Rory can hold it together (in the Master's golf). Would be nice to see a win for someone from this side of the pond.
  6. Happy birthday Jam. What does jam become when it reaches eighteen? Preserve? It is Mrs Bod's birthday tomorrow too. I believe she is more than eighteen though.
  7. Mrs BoD would fit in well there. She can torque the hind legs of a donkey.
  8. Morning all this is an early morning rather than a late evening or just plain confused post
  9. I did one of those ....... .......once. When I were a lad we had to make our own Pantoufles out of a cardboard box.
  10. Try wearing a sheet of tinfoil next to the skin over the affected area. No jokes about Dd being known as Russel, thank you
  11. Blimey Gordon. 2:03 and again at 6:32. You must be really suffering. It wouldn't surprise me if you told us there were scratch marks on your kitchen wall counting the days. And now Dd too. You both have my sympathy.
  12. Any particular reason for the need for sea air?
  13. if you must........ ..........but no photos please.
  14. Morning all Dull and grey here..... but it's Saturday. Just a couple os sets of exam papers to matk then I can relax. Should manage that by about Sunday evening. Then it's Monday again. Enjoy it Dave.
  15. Hi moo I remember you too. Good to see you back again.
  16. I thought he said he was going to varnish it.
  17. Morning all I seem to have reached a break in proceedings too, so here I am. (sad or what?) I like the picturesque run along the Tyne Valley line to Carlise. Except when it is in a 142 of course. You can give me a 156 rather than a voyager any day of the week.
  18. Morning all Still here, still ERing - just don't get the chance to post as often on a weekday morning. The chat, puns and other general drivel keeps me going though. Zero oktas veering seven or eight later.
  19. I'm sure that the suspected burglar will end up suing somebody.
  20. Morning all Looks gloomy outside but it's Friday so it can't all be bad. I must be a rare beast, a bloke with no interest in cars what so ever. As long as mine goes when I press the pedal and changes direction when I turn the wheel thing I'm happy. If it stops when I ask it to, that's a bonus. Any ERs up because they are queueing for the latest gadgets.
  21. What? No CalMac chips and curry sauce? Or distillery visits? Not worth going.
  22. Morning all Thanks for the kind thoughts Someone has pinched our blue skies. Can we have them back please.
  23. Just heard that my cousin, who took a well deserved early retirement last year and was diagnosed with cancer just three weeks ago, passed away today. Life can be a bitch - as many of us on here already know.
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